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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Music, Rhythm, and Rap

When young, if it wasn't rock 'n roll, it wasn't worth listening to. Although I still prefer rock, especially classic rock, I've found a few gems in other areas.

Take rap. I hate it. Rap is not music but rather some hoods yelling into a mike. Then again, I love this little jewel called, "Rapper's Delight" by Sugar Hill Gang. The full song plays fifteen minutes; however, I've included the condensed version. After six minutes of listening to this catchy beat that is ranked #248 on Rolling Stones Magazine's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time list, I dare you not to at least chair dance.

I said a hip hop the hippie the hippie
to the hip hip hop, a you don't stop
the rock it to the bang bang boogie say up jumped the boogie
to the rhythm of the boogie, the beat.

I don't have a clue what the dude means, but it's fun to listen to.  Is one supposed to bounce on a hip? Not recommended for seniors. The rapper mentions hippies but weren't they more into peace, love people now, and come together? Either way, I'll jump up and boogie. Although the above part makes no sense, other verses are crystal clear.

Have you ever went over a friends house to eat
and the food just aint no good?
I mean the macaroni's soggy the peas are mushed
and the chicken tastes like wood;
so you try to play it off like you think you can
by sayin' that you're full,
and then your friend says, "Momma, he's just being polite
he ain't finished uh uh that's bull."
So your heart starts pumpin' and you think of a lie
and you say that you already ate,
and your friend says man there's plenty of food
so you pile some more on your plate. 


Here's some "music" that's got plenty of "rhythm." Take a listen and if you're old like me, it will bring back memories. 
If not, maybe you'll enjoy something new.

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

Thank you for joining us on Music Monday! Let's get going shall we?

1. LadyJava's Lounge  6. bethere2day  
2. LJ Life's Pages - Bruise Easily  7. Mystery Man  
3. Unofficial Chart Blog  8. Me, Him and the Cats (LINKY)  
4. Ian's Music Monday Blog  9. Mike Golch  
5. Expression Needed  10. Catch My Words  

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PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!


Leovi said...

Yes, you're right, this song brings back fond memories of my youth, danced countless times, was one of my favorites.

betty said...

Love this song! I remember hearing it on the radio and "be-bopping" to it as I'm driving along :) I'm with you; not too much other rap I want to listen to. I think some would be okay if the language in it was a bit cleaner.....


Jackie said...

Oh yes I remember that well and I love it! I may use that this Music Monday if I think of it. I don't like today's rap either. I can't understand it even with the lyrics spelled out for me!

Lady In Read said...

i have not heard this one.. and i know what you are saying about rap.. but then again, there are a few songs in every genre of music that sets my feet tapping..

Anonymous said...

I don't really like rap, but I like that song.

Masshole Mommy said...

Oh that takes me back!! I don't care for rap, either, but I remember when this first came out and I think back then I actually liked it.

Aurora Smith said...

What a fun blog!

anthonynorth said...

Rapping isn't one of my favourite types of music either, but I've been known to bop to it now and again - slowly, bearing in mind the age thing.

Michelle Liew said...

Oh, like you, Joyce, I don't like rap either. But I don't mind if the song teaches us something or gets us going! Thanks for sharing!!

Theresa Mahoney said...

Oh no! I reeeeaallly dislike this one. I think this was on one of Adam Sandlers movies. Maybe called The Wedding Singer or something like that. My husband used to play this one a lot and I cringe every time it's on. Give me some Dr. Dre over this any day :)

Audrey Howitt aka Divalounger said...

Rap isn't my thing--but like this song!

LA Botchar said...

it's the's so darn catchy. that funky bass beat takes over your feet, your butt and ya just gotta move! LOL

Grace Grits and Gardening said...

Oh yes, love it! Thanks for the memory:))

Gill said...

Can't bear rap, but occasionally gems do pop up, you're right. Absolutely adore Fun Lovin' Criminals (although I am not sure they qualify!), but I'm pretty sure Wu-Tang Clan and Gravel Pit or OutKast and Hey Ya do count. Also love Eminem, mainly because the man is a wordsmith on the quiet ;)

Mrsupole said...

I rarely listen to Rap songs because most of them are just plain crap and with the grandkids I have heard lots and lots of them. This one does have a beat that makes you want to get up and move. But I have to say that I am more of a Reggae person and can listen to that all day long. But I like a large variety of music. And being of the "hippie" era, I think we listened to a lot of ballads about the war and wanting peace in the world. Lots of the Beatles and Rock and Roll bands of those days. Then came Disco and not sure what happened. But still give me the Reggae. I love me some Bob Marley.

Thanks for sharing this song with us. I really did enjoy it. Happy Theme Thursday and hope you are dancing the weekend away.

God bless.

Mills Life said...

I love your blog. Can't wait to read more. Im now following you back!

Anonymous said...

Love it! I actually have this song on my ipod and it always puts a smile on my face. I am a fun of all music (even rap)

mail4rosey said...

I have never heard it, but it does have a good sound. I'm couch dancing. :)

Anonymous said...

A Classic! I remember the first time I heard that and I was blown away!

Unknown said...

This is amazing, i love it! It reminds me of Kid & Play! AWESOME!!!


Unknown said...

Love that song! Talk about a stroll down memory lane. Thanks for that. And the lyrics are too much!

XmasDolly said...

Man, talk about a blast from the past. I remember this tune. IT ROCKS! I could really get it on with this one. Thanks for joining us too! Hope you stop by again next Monday too. Our theme is a FREEBIE next week; anything that floats your boat! I love this tune.. I forgot all about this one. YOU ROCK GIRL. Have a musiclicious week! Thanks for sharing. I belong to My Points too for YEARSSSSS!!!!! Love em'

Amy Morgan said...

Can still sing it. Every. Single. Word. Thanks for a great memory and a wonderful distraction after a VERY long day!

Cathy Kennedy said...

The beat is amazing. Really set my foot to tapping. I don't care for RAP, but at least this one doesn't sound like it's full of hate which I so do not get. Does this mean, I'm not hip? I do like to rock n' roll, though. =D Thanks for joining us on the virtual dance floor at Monday's Music Moves Me!

Stacy Uncorked said...

That one does instigate dancing in ones seat, doesn't it? ;) Thanks for sharing! :)

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Mike Golch said...

Interesting song,but rap is just not my thing.

Colette S said...

It's just so catchy!
Thanks for sharing! :)

~T~ said...

Rap is not my style of music generally but sometimes you can find something with the right beat that works and can get you in a groove. Rappers Delight is one of those songs. Also a delight to read your post.

LadyJava's Lounge said...

I am dancing along!
Happy MM!