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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Throwback Thursday

I've seen a lot of "Throwback Thursday" postings on Facebook and wonder why anyone would want to throw their back? I've had a history of back pain and wouldn't wish it on anyone. The first time I experienced back pain was when pushing my toddler son on a swing. I'd push him from behind and then run in front to say "Boo." He'd laugh. I wonder if that would still work at 26? Next time I see him, I'll say, "Boo," and let you know if he laughs. Anyway, while running I felt a sudden back spasm. By the time I hit serious––like surgery serious––back pain that boy was in fifth grade. I busted L5 and had to go under the knife after the third doctor told me I had no choice. 

In 2006, I ran the Memphis Half Marathon and hurt L4. It looked like I was headed for the knife again, but then one of my children's fathers (as in student, my kids only have one daddy), told me about a magic bracelet from Sergio Lub. I put that sucker on and all of my pain disappeared. I didn't even need surgery. Hey, wait a minute. I just did an ad for my bracelet and the Lub Dude didn't even pay me. I guess they owe me. Or maybe I owe them since I haven't had back problems since I started wearing their bracelet. It never comes off because I'm scared I'll brake my back if I remove it.

In conclusion, YOU CAN KEEP YOUR THROWBACK THURSDAY. I don't want to do that again.


Cascia Talbert said...

That is a good one! I love your humor. I've never thrown my back nor have I participated in Throw Back Thursday, but I see that theme all over the blogosphere too. Have a terrific night!

mail4rosey said...

That's pretty awesome that you found something so easy that works! I'd advertise for them too. :)

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Back pain sucks. I've had it a many a time. Not fun! I may need to get one of those bracelets for the future, although I am not sure I could pull off wearing it LOL

Martha Jane Orlando said...

Wow! A bracelet cured your back pain? Now, that's amazing!
Loved this humorous take on the Throw Back Thursday, Joyce. :) Blessings!

Catch My Words said...

Sergio Lub has a lot of masculine bracelets that a man most certainly could wear. Remember, it was a man who told me about the bracelets to begin with.

Rhonda Albom said...

I have been wearing my Surgio Lub bracelet ever since you told me about it. Like you, I wear it day and night afraid I will crumble if I remove it. Thanks :)

Karren Haller said...

Thanks for stopping by to add your link to our Party, I appreciate that and I wanted to let you know that I have Pinned Your Photo in your post, to our Weekend Party Board, wahoo!!
Have a great weekend!!

Karren Haller said...

This has reminded me I need to have my husbands copper chain repaired, Im glad that the bracelet works for you as well. And thanks for visiting Weekends Are Fun, I have Pinned your post from your blog.

Have a great weekend

Faith Hope and Cherrytea said...

wonderful to have found relief!!

Susan Demeter said...

You have a great sense of humour :) Glad you found help through the bracelet :)

Binky said...

I'm glad the bracelet helped you. I get back pain too, and it's not much fun.

LA Botchar said...

LOL -- awesome and brilliant.

I have a bad back too. after 3 C sections, it just doesn't feel great most of the time. mornings are slow getting up and going. So yeah, I am with you on the No Throwback thing.

eastcoastlife said...

Wow. I want that bracelet! I get back pain too.

Ingrid said...

That's strange but if it works for you it's good ! I got rid of backaches when I started Yoga gym. Now I do it each morning since 7 years. Never had backache again.

stevebethere said...

Well that made me laugh especially the daddy bit so glad you explained that bit LOL.

I'm glad the bracelet was beneficial to you looks snazzy too, so all I can say is nice choice Joyce :-)

Stephanie Faris said...

What do the bracelets do? How do they work? I know those scalar energy bracelets were huge...and some said they made a big difference.

Catch My Words said...

The magnets and copper take the pain away.

Tony Payne said...

Ouch! Back pain is terrible, suffering today having spent several hours on Saturday in the garden, then 3 hours staining a fence yesterday while precariously perched on a wall, so I had to bend and twist awkwardly. Suffered with a slipped disc for over 20 years, not fun is it.

Unknown said...

Mum has been wearing her Sergio Lub bracelet since you told her about it, and she never has any back trouble. Ahh, the love of magnets.