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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Thursday, November 1, 2012

#GBE2: Patriotism in the Eye of the Storm

GBE2's weekly blogging topic is Patriotism while Theme Thursday is all about storms.

“Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children's children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance.”
Theodore Roosevelt

The great Republican president Teddy Roosevelt would be rolling over in his grave if aware of the actions of the current GOP that have caused 99%ers to storm to the streets in protest.
Our lands are in jeopardy, not only from hurricanes such as Sandy, but also from selfish or greedy men. 
The Koch brothers have funded campaigns endorsing candidates who will abolish corporate regulations to enable Charles and David Koch to save money by not having to abide by government regulations. They've filled super pacts with unlimited funds for their own greed, while stripping areas surrounding their polluting plants of clean air and waters.

At the same time, the Koch brothers have pumped millions of dollars into ads to frighten Americans into believing that environmental regulations will cost us jobs. What's scary is the number of people who support government deregulation because of Koch sponsored ads. Oh, yes, a storm is coming if the Koch brothers get their way and our environment crumbles. I, for one, do not wish to give up the beauty of my country so that the Koch brothers can save money by having no regulations as they dump oil into our rivers. 

To learn more about the Koch brothers, please watch this documentary. I know it's long, but it is also informative and well worth your time.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Halloween of the Past!

When you dress up your kiddos for 
Halloween, make sure you take pictures.

Halloween, circa 1994

Here's a fun photo that's been circulating the internet for awhile.

Here's one I just saw this year. 
Don't forget to enter my Halloween Dog Costume contest for the chance to win a $25 Target gift card. 
You have until November 1. 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Silly Sunday: Parenting Advice

As a parent who has successfully raised three wonderful kids to adulthood, I am now qualified to give my readers parenting advice––free of charge.

When I was a young mother, my father said, "Don't ever hit your kids, but don't ever let them think you won't." 

I tried to follow this advice, but I was never able to make my dad's threatening face. It was the one that said, "Shape up, now!" 

True to Dad's suggestion, we never spanked our kids; however, they knew we weren't going to also. As a result, we found successful discipline strategies that came in creative and silly doses. My favorite threat was the one concerning teeth. "If you don't ______________, we're not going to let you brush your teeth!"

Ooooh. This one scared our kids into doing what we wanted because what could be worse than not being allowed to brush your teeth? Furthermore, teeth brushing became a reward, rather than a fight to make them do it. Hint: Start this when the kids are young or it won't work. 

Tee hee.

Another silly punishment we used involved the love seat in our den. If our kids fought with each other, they had to sit on the love seat until they learned to love each other. They had two choices: get along or have the most miserable punishment ever. 

The most important parenting advice I can give is for you to teach your children to take care of themselves. Next time your child has a problem with a coach or teacher, don't be in a hurry to rush in and fix it for them. Make your child deal with the problem his or herself. They should be the one to approach the adult and address their concerns, not you. You step in only as a last resort when their attempts do not work. Knowing how to talk to an adult has been my kids' greatest life skill. Please parents, don't hover!

Don't forget to enter my Halloween Dog Costume Contest!  Contest Link