As I listen to my older sister saw logs, I am reminded of the best educational tidbits I've received, all from her. Bev and I grew up sharing an attic bedroom; however, I never snapped a picture of the slanted ceiling, yellow walls, green carpet, or gigantic window overlooking our driveway. This is why our childhood room is only in my mind and not on my blog.
Bev was notorious for talking in her sleep, thus giving me a great education and entertainment. While sleeping, she told me about being in the corner with Rusty. Mm hm. My favorite nighttime activity was the time I told her how she didn't like chocolate then listened to vehement sleep cries that she did. Then with further prompting, she begged me for the nonexistent candy bar.
Bev also educated me during our waking hours. Before I entered middle school, she explained the full list of dirty words and what they meant; however, she refused to tell me the meaning of the "f word" because it was just too naughty to explain. I'm still waiting to find out.
To make sure I never rotted out my lungs with a horrid habit, Bev forced an unfiltered cigarette on me in grade school. Yep! It was nasty enough that to this day I am not a smoker.

Ahh, education. I bet you thought my post would be all about my teaching job. Psych!
Awesomeness! Sisters are so helpful with learning about life.
I covered the teacher thing! No sweat!
Amazing how much more we learn from siblings. The education I received from my older brother isn't exactly fit for publishing either, but your post made me think back and grin about it. He wasn't too shy teaching me what the 'f' word meant.
Awww....precious photos! I wish I had a sister growing up.
I love these pictures! They remind me of my beloved little sister. I really hope I was and still am a good role mode to her and that she's learnt many good things from me.
It's great to have a sister to share all your ups and downs, all the fun and the tears, isn't it? They are often our best friends. Mine surely is :)
I had an older sister growing up and oh the things I learned from her. I often cringe thinking of the things my older daughter is probably teaching the younger one.
Great family photos, though I would have loved to see that bedroom photo! It sounds a lot like the one I had to share with my sister too.
Dear Joyce, What a great post and tribute and the fond memories. Have a great day dear. Ciao..Catherine xo
I love the photos.
A big sister can play mother, friend, teacher, quite successfully.
My bigger sister died in infancy long before I was even born , and that is a very sad fact in my life.
Funny the things we remember from our childhood.
Completely hilarious, and quite honestly the best kind of education! LOL
You are such a delightful always make me smile. I also have an older sister...she used to kick my butt because I'd follow her everywhere, ruining all her boys affairs. But we do adore each other...just like the two of you. Kisses for both.
Thanks for sharing your smiles on my blog, Joyce. You and your blog are a great source of fun :)
Leading her in sleep talk....that's too funny. I tried to do that to someone once and it resulted getting angrily shouted at for waking them up, lol.
I slept in an attic room once and wish I had pics of it too. Sleeptalking--yeah. I do it sometimes. lol!
Siblings truly shape you as a person. Loved this, you truly have a good relationship with your sister
So nice to hear of your education from your sister - they are great teachers at times as well as good friends. Loved your memories and the pics!
Great post on education! We sure do learn a lot from others around us! (that isn't taught in school...)
Cute pic of you and your sis!
You gals are lucky! I bet it was awesome always having someone to play with and talk to (even though I'm sure you didn't always think so). ;)
You were a cutie, and the saddle shoes, I TOTALLY remember having saddles shoes ever single year, lol.
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