With tragedy surrounding us this past week, two of my blogging groups have asked us to post about faith or to just follow our hearts in blogging. This is tough because my writing lends itself to humor.
Faith means complete trust or confidence in something. I have faith in a lot of things. I know that when visiting the dog park, my furry friends will jump into the muddy lake and come out disgustingly dirty. I will get a nose bleed from my left nostril at least once a week in the winter time, and even got one this morning; however, the doc has faith that it's just dryness. When dining at a nice restaurant, the salad dressing will drip on my blouse. Most importantly, faith means that one day I will be a thin, even though I will faithfully put on a pound or two this month. I've given my kids specific instructions. If I'm ever on life support, they have promised not to pull the plug until I'm a size six. I have faith that they'll follow my wishes.
Faith means complete trust or confidence in something. I have faith in a lot of things. I know that when visiting the dog park, my furry friends will jump into the muddy lake and come out disgustingly dirty. I will get a nose bleed from my left nostril at least once a week in the winter time, and even got one this morning; however, the doc has faith that it's just dryness. When dining at a nice restaurant, the salad dressing will drip on my blouse. Most importantly, faith means that one day I will be a thin, even though I will faithfully put on a pound or two this month. I've given my kids specific instructions. If I'm ever on life support, they have promised not to pull the plug until I'm a size six. I have faith that they'll follow my wishes.
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Bear's Arm |
I know. I know. That's not the kind of faith Mrsupole or Beth were referring to. You both wanted an in depth––spill my guts kind of post about the horrible tragedy in Connecticut. The problem is, when faced with such an unspeakable tragedy, I cannot speak. What does one say about innocent children being slaughtered by a crazy twenty-year-old?
Should I get political about the issues of gun control and how we should ban assault weapons? I agree. There's no reason anyone needs a gun that shoots rapid fire without the need to reload. Our founding fathers could not have imagined this type of weapon when writing the second amendment, giving folks the right to bear arms. People also discuss getting more help for the mentally ill. Once again, I agree and will further add that we should tax the one percent to pay for it.
I also agree that no child should be fearful of going to school. This tough situation needs answers, and perhaps my group leaders would be satisfied to read my post about how I shed tears when I read the grandfatherly neighbor's account of the tragedy; but personally, I'd rather deal with having faith that when getting dressed tomorrow, I will find a pair of socks that doesn't have a hole in them. That is less painful.
What happened was worst than the worst nightmare one could possibly have. It raises a big question mark on the very existence of the word "SAFE".
I also agree on your POV. It makes facts a little less easier to digest and come to terms with.
I love your sense of humor.
There are no words to adequately deal with this, only faith. Thank you for the honest and heartfelt post.
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Love in Him,
Laurie Collett
There just are no words to be said about the tragedy, but many tears shed. I also agree on your POV.
hi, i following the "thumping thursday" blog hop. i would love for you to visit my blog and follow if you like it.
new follower bev
It would be nice if we could have faith that this incident will be the impetus for change.
Your humor is affecting but let's not wait for another incident like this to wake us up to what really matters...
yes, when it comes to gun control, i think there should be at least background checks, but with this past tragedy, would it even have made a difference?
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Merry Christmas!
I completely agree with your point of view. Especially the part about no child should have to be fearful about going to school. I took the news of this tragedy hard and chose not to tell my children for that exact reason - because they are still a little young to understand and I don't want them to feel scared going to school every day.
Very nice POV. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. It's a shame something like this has to happen to get people to talk about change...
wow you made lol, don't pull the plug until I am a size 6...priceless!
Ali of:
Joyce - humor is a gift. You wield it well. Make no apologies for not laying your heart out on your sleeve as everyone deals with these situations differently. Thanks for sharing with such honesty and yes, making me smile. Life support until a size 6 - love it!
Hi Joyce...Nice, heartfelt post. You've made some very good points with which I agree, too. Like you, I also express some of my deepest thoughts via humor. And I wish I was a size 6...heck I'd settle for a size 10! LOL Happy Holidays. Loy
I was trying to think up an anagram of "faith" to riff on, but the best I could manage was one of "Haft I", "Fat Hi" or "Ah Fit". Not much to go on there.
Oddly enough, I did manage "Colon Grunt" from "Gun Control", so there is hope for the humourists yet! ;D
I have faith that no matter how full or heavy your heart is, there will be a smile or a giggle when I get here. Live you for that talent!
It was a crazy thing that none of us do or ever should understand. And I think you're right. . . I don't think the forefathers had any idea what would happen to "arms" Thanks for stopping by my blog and have a very Merry Christmas!
Hi Joyce,
I really enjoyed the humor of your faith. Honestly, I have no expectations of what anyone should write other than that I have faith that you will write something even if it does not always go with the prompt. I am always amazed at what everyone comes up with and all the different points of view that everyone shares. Truly a wondrous thing to see each week. I think that humor can never be wrong and you had me laughing with you, even when they pull the plug. I am going to have to tell my kids that one, and then watch them laugh till they croak. Oh and good luck finding socks without a hole in them, now that is funny....
Sorry for being late to visit, being this sick is really slowing me down.
God bless.
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