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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Teacher Help

Cartoon about social distancing
Ron Leishman's art reminds us
to keep six feet apart!
As COVID 19 sets in, some teachers have been asked to teach remotely. Wow! That sounds like quite a challenge. Furthermore, I was dis-hearted to learn about a Florida teacher who was expected to come in to work, with the entire staff, to train on how to teach from a distance. That sounds about as right as the carpet shower on television.

Another tough situation is the poorer school districts where the kids don't have computers to learn from. In our city, many of the kids receive free breakfast and lunch. Without school, there is fear that some kids could go hungry. Luckily our city is back on track to feed these homebound students. The program was put on jeopardy when a worker tested positive for the new Coronavirus.

free resource to teach kids how to solve logic puzzles
Kids LOVE logic puzzles!
To be helpful, I'm linking to my many free resources HERE. Whether you're a teacher trying to teach remotely or a parent who needs something for your kids to do, hopefully you can find something you need.

If you are looking for paid resources, I have plenty of those, too. My store has resources for everyone K - 12 in multiple subject areas. Recently, I've sold quite a few directed lessons in PowerPoint. With these you don't have to be a teacher to guide your kids. Here is a link to my PowerPoint Lessons. I only have 370, though.

                           Here's an inference lesson for 3rd - 5th graders.

Reading passages for middle school students about youtubers
High Interest Reading for Middle School Kids
Printables have been popular, too, especially my Reading Passages. But mostly, I want to give y'all a virtual (((hug))). One way or another, we will get through this! If there is anything you need for kids, feel free to email me at jlanskyATcomcastDOTcom. I'm ready to help!

Catch My Products
The Gifted Department Store

Monday Music Moves Me is About Walking

Since I live in Memphis, this is where I walk. Here's a song about it.

Here's another song about going for a walk. Ready to go with The Brady kids?


Anonymous said...

Lovin both tunes and I'm having problems leaving a comment. Trying again. Brady bunch surely is an up tune and reminding me to take a walk in the sun for sure! Have a great day! hugs Xmasdolly

CAAC said...


These certainly are trying days but we'll get through it. BTW, that nasty comment that was left on your blog last week, well, that no-name individual found its way to my place. WP caught the comment as spam and so I just deleted it. It's beginning to look like this might be a spambot. I noticed the same comment other places, too.

I figured 'Walking in Memphis' would make it to list of party favorites this week. I loved watching the Brady Bunch when I was little. I'm not sure if I remember the episode with them singing, though. We had some beautiful sunshine days this weekend. It was great seeing the sun again. :)

Do be safe and well, my friend. Sending love & hugs your way. Thanks for joining the 4M gang on the dance floor! xx

messymimi said...

Oh, i had forgotten than the Brady kids got into singing. Thanks for the smile this morning, and for your support of those who are having to adjust teaching styles at this time.

songbird's crazy world said...

I’ve always liked that Marc Cohn song

DrillerAA said...

Walking in Memphis is a great tune. Thanks for sharing it with us today. I was amazed at how many walking songs are out there. Have a blessed week.

Binky said...

It must be a very strange time to be a teacher with everything having changed.

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Great tunes!

Stay safe x

Alana said...

"Walking in Memphis" is new to me - such a nice tune. My Brady Bunch days were too long ago - I don't remember that song but it is catchy.

csuhpat1 said...

Learning how to distance teach here. It will be interestnig. Love Marc Cohn. Thanks for sharing that song.