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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Sunday, June 24, 2012

#GBE2: Strength

Strength, if only. How many times have I struggled with those darn pickle jars only to have my husband swoop in and open them with a single twist? I've eaten spinach for years, but I'm starting to wonder if some well meaning adult made up this strength bull just to get kids to eat healthy. The only folks I ever saw get strong from eating spinach are Pop Eye and Gilligan. Remember when he found the crate of radio active vegetable seeds? What a great show!

Since I'm a doubting Moses (Doubting Thomas comes from Christianity, so I can't claim him), I did a little spinach research. Back in the late nineteenth century, some doctor put a decimal point in the wrong spot when writing down the iron content of spinach. Everyone believed his bogus document thinking that spinach had ten times the iron content than what it actually had. Like, no one questioned it? 

Wee! Playing with decimals could be fun. 

Friend:   How fast were you going?
Moi:        750 MPH.

Friend:  How much weight have you lost?
Moi:       230 pounds.

Friend:  How old are you?
Moi:       Five.

The last one might be believable, but the one about spinach? I guess if the right person says it, folks will believe anything. Just look at what people swallow from politicians.

But back to spinach: 

I knows it! I knows it!
No one found the mistake until 1937! By then, it was too late. People bought into the myth about spinach making you strong.

It may not make you strong, but there are nutrients in spinach so it's not a bad thing to eat; however, forget that gross canned stuff that Pop Eye dumps down his throat. Give yourself a real treat with fresh (or frozen) spinach leaves, garlic, pepper, Parmesan and Mozzarella cheeses. Top with paprika and nuke in the microwave. 

I didn't cook this, but it looks yum!
Hey look! Last week I had a political blog, now I've got a foodie blog! This will drive Reg nuts, if that boy ever comes back. Teehee.

If you cook my spinach, and eat it, you'll be getting iron and magnesium which is helpful for healthy muscle growth. Plus, it's good for your heart and doesn't make you fart. 

Sorry about the fart comment, but what did you expect from someone who is five.♡

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Thursday, June 21, 2012

#BFF: Sunset

Although sunset usually refers to that glowing orange object slipping into the horizon, it can also mean a period of decline. Some people look at the economy and scream, "Sunset!" but I fear this is nothing compared to what we would have from a Romney presidency. 
This afternoon, I read a new article making it oh so clear that Mitt Romney, a sociopath by definition, truly has a strong ethics problem. I hope you are all familiar with the story of how he abused his dog Seamus by sticking him on the roof of the car for a twelve hour drive to Canada. When the dog had a kennel accident, no doubt due to stress, Mitt merely hosed him off and continued.

I also hope you are familiar with the story of how he led a posse to pin down a gay boy and cut his hair while he cried and screamed. All of the others involved in this high school incident feel great sorrow or remorse. One even sought out the man to apologize because he felt so guilty. Mitt Romney doesn't remember the incident? I would hope this is a lie because the truth of not remembering something as horrible as this speaks volumes about his character.

A few days ago, I heard the story about a paid driver who took Romney on a two hour ride. Mitt would not even speak to the man throughout the entire trip. He was also nasty to his staff members. At the end of the ride, he grumbled, "Give the guy $5." Now mind you, with a two hundred, forty something dollar fee, this is about a 2% tip from a guy with millions! His coldness is a definite message that he sees himself above the average person.

The latest I heard, Ann Romney sold a horse named Super Hit for $125,000 to perform dressage (horse ballet). The new owners discovered that the horse could not do dressage and had been given a staggering amount of pain killers! Besides being animal abuse, what sort of person would cheat someone in a sale of this sort?

If Romney is this unethical in his treatment of dogs, horses, and humans who he sees as lower than him, do you really think he gives a rat's patooey about you or I? Do you really think he will do anything in the best interest of the 99%?

I want the beautiful type of sunset found in pictures, not the sunset of people being blind enough to elect this sociopath as president.

Wake up, America! This guy is bad news.