Catch My Products

Catch My Products
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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Monday, July 31, 2023

Musical Monday Moves Me with Amber Songs

Last summer, we rescued our sweet baby. My husband wanted a small dog, which she was when we adopted her. We were told she was a year old, so 40 pounds seemed like her limit.
We were wrong. She kept growing and growing until she reached 60 pounds.
But that's okay, because we love big dogs, too. She's almost as big as our Benny.
She is 54% German Shepherd, 30% Grand Perinees, and 16% Boxer.
There are two songs I think of when it comes to Amber. The first one is about the first time I saw her in the packed kennel. They were filled to capacity. Although unlike the song, I knew exactly what to do. Unlike James Blunt in "You're Beautiful," I'd always be with her.
If you saw a face like that, could you walk away without her? For $18 we got the dog, all of her shots, spay services, a tag, chipped, collar, and leash. If you don't have a dog, there are plenty who would love to go home with you at the shelters. Sakura? We changed her name.
The next song, I sing when I put her collar back on when I release her from her cage when I come home. She still chews like a puppy and is also an advid reader who has torn through a few of my books. However, Carly Simon said it best when she sang, "You Belong to Me" because this beautiful dog is mine. :)


Thursday, July 27, 2023

Keep Current Events in Classroom: Whistleblower Claims Gov't Hides Info About UFOs

Have you heard the news? Our government has been hiding information about alien visitors from the public for over fifty years. An All-Domain Anomaly Resolition Office, formed last summer, has 366 reports of odd crafts. These flying objects turn at 90˚ angels at speeds unattainable with our technology.
Now that this is in the news, your high school students will want to read about UFOs in my Aliens and UFO Reading Passage and Questions!
Make language arts class fun with this high-interest reading comprehension passage and questions about aliens and UFOs. This resource contains a classroom-ready nonfiction article on UFO or UAP (unidentified anomalous phenomena) vehicles, vocabulary activities, discussion questions, writing prompts, and an answer key to develop your kids’ critical thinking skills. Plus, quick and easy setup and clear directions make this activity perfect for centers or substitutes.
Click here to save 25% off the price of individual resources with the bundle. Your high school students are hopefully good readers, but every kid needs practice reading difficult text with strong vocabulary words. That’s where this resource can help! This Aliens and UFOs article scored a 9.1 grade level on Flesch-Kincade and an 11.5 on Gunning Fog. These scores make this a great resource for kids in grades 8 -11.
Inside this no prep product, you’ll find:
Click this link to get your Aliens and UFOs Reading Passage and Questions.
Aliens and UFOs High School Reading Passage

Monday, July 24, 2023

Monday Music Moves Me, Again!

My husband just turned 64. This Beatles song was, of course, the theme song.
It used to seem ancient, but not so much anymore, so here's another song, by Queen, about what it actually means to be 64 year young.
Not sure who on the blog hop is 64, I've been gone awhile, but happy birthday!

For those of you who are teachers, my TPT store, Catch My Products, is on sale for 20% off. Furthermore, I'm participating in dollar deals and a 50% off sale for two items, each. Go to the previous post for details!
Finally, link up to the blog hop for Musical Monday Moves Me.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

It's Three New Sales for TpT!

I've joined with a group of fine sellers to bring you the opportunity for great savings. First up: DOLLAR DEALS!
I have two popular DOLLAR PRODUCTS for sale through July 26th.
Place Value Lesson Plan in PowerPoint or in Google Slide for grades 3 - 5!
Making Inference Print or Digital Worksheets also for grades 2 - 4
But here is another sale in which we are offering resources for HALF OFF through July 26th, too!
Get 50% OFFthe price of individual resources with this Mega-Bundle Logic Puzzle and Brain Teasers set for grades 3 - 6!
And, you can get 50% off the price of individual resources with the Historical Fiction Reading Passage Bundle for grades 4 - 6!
Finally, my entire store is on sale for 20% off throughout these other sales!
So, what are you waiting for. I hope you will stop by Catch My Products to enjoy the sales.

Friday, July 21, 2023

Water Woes

We are the lucky ones. Several storms have swept through Memphis, this week and about a third of the city was without power. That used to be us after every storm; however, since multiple trees fell in our area about two years ago, we've "weathered" better. However, our area has one issue.
A local water plant generator leaked gas into our water supply. We have been instructed to only use our water for toilets. With that being said, I didn't think about my bidet. Oops. I'm gonna watch what I eat. Will gas ignite?

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Writers Strike AI Technology

As a writer who has spent years developing my craft, I get the displeasure toward AI technology. People who make their living through creative craft have the right to be threatened by a machine interfering with their work. I write a lot of short stories and reading passages which are my work. Will I be accused of not being the one to write it? Will someone who has not spent time and money on learning to write well take my sales from computer generated work?
Art by Illumismart Will future productions infringe on actors rights? I, Joyce Lansky get it.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Summer is a great time for revisions, so that is what I've been up to. I have a wonderful seasonal bundle which is undergoing a "spa week." All of the resources in the bundle have links to Google, plus I've created a new resource which will soon be added to the bundle. This one is a reading passage needed to solve a logic puzzle on four special days on the calendar: our equinoxes and solarises. I hope you will check out my Fall resource and the bundle, which is less expensive without the new product coming soon.