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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Wordless Wednesday Ring Security Guard



Sandee said...

A cutie pie too. You made me smile.

Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

stevebethere said...

Haha so cute made me smile :-)

Have a tanfastictastic week 👍

My Mind's Eye said...

That is too cute, thank you for stopping by to say hi to me today. I love your Golden Header

Alana said...

That has me guessing - a little boy dressed up with a mask?

Catch My Words said...

No mask. I'm not allowed to post his adorable face on social media. He was the ring bearer for our daughter's wedding.

XmasDolly said...

Awwwww No, no, no I get it. Many people don't like their children photographed for certain things. I hope they're keeping photos at home of him. He does look rather cute all dressed up I must say! have a great day!

messymimi said...

Awww, i'll bet he did a fabulous job of it.

mail4rosey said...

Every wedding should have one. :)

XmasDolly said...

You know, I've never had that problem about takin' pics of the grandkids or my children for that matter, but my friend has a daughter (in another state) where her hubby insists NO PICS & He's pretty animate about it. One day though, one slipped through & I got to see her prize possession and he was adorable, but I must say I truly understand in this day & age. Yours is probably adorable too! I will say it is fun going to watch them at school. I have so many pics & movies of my own children & now i"m working on the grandkids & I have 3 great grandkids now... holy moly!!! hahahaha Have a great week my friend!

Veronica Lee said...

So cute!

Hugs and blessings, Joyce