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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Weekend Writing Warriors / 08/17/14

Weekend Writing Warriors

Here are seven lines from my unpublished manuscript. Advice is always accepted.      

     Pinging came from a flag hook tapping its pole outside the open window. Thinking about soccer, I checked for storm clouds when I spotted a bug-eyed, fat guy leaning on a Cadillac. He fixed his gaze my way causing a tingle to creep up the back of my neck. Even though the guy was just a random stranger, my heart raced at the mere sight of him standing under the ominous clouds. My shoulders inched upward as tension filled my core. Taking a deep breath, I turned to Sara. “Let’s go.”

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Facts About a Dangerous Chemical

The dangerous chemical dihydrogen monoxide needs to be banned, and here is why:

1.  It can be chemically synthesized by burning rocket fuel.

2.  Over consumption can cause excessive sweating, urination, and even death.

3.  One-hundred percent of all serial killers, rapist, and drug dealers have ingested this chemical.

4.  It contains one of the primary ingredients in herbicides and pesticides.

5.  It is the leading cause of drowning.

6.  One-hundred percent of people exposed to this substance will die.

The facts speak for themselves, it's time to ban dihydrogen monoxide!

On a similar note:
Two guys walk into a bar. The first one says, "I'll have H20."

The second guy says, "I'll have H20, too."

He died.

Monday, August 11, 2014

#WW Enjoys #Music - The Wedding

Sorry I've been absent from my usual blogging. I spent the weekend at my niece's wedding in Kansas City.

Tammi & Jon make a beautiful couple.

We had a great time taking shots with the fam.

We also kept up with our Jewish traditions.

Tammi and Jon were hoisted in chairs while the following song was played. Strong men also lifted (and almost dropped) my sister while we danced around them to the song below. Here's a tutorial in case you ever partake in Jewish wedding fun. This may not be a hit from the rock era, but it was the biggest hit at the reception.

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