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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Saturday, April 7, 2012

#AtoZ : Good Golly

In case you didn't read enough about my colonoscopy, here's more. First, we drove to the Surgery Center and parked near signs like this:

Which made no sense because patients undergoing procedures aren't allowed to drive. 

Next, I headed to the reception desk where the lady asked me to show ID, as if someone is going to fake being me so they can have a probe stuck up their butt. After a short sleep, all was fine.

Then I came home and watched Helen Hayes in Airport. Classic! Good golly, the world has changed. A lady stows away on an airplane by saying, "My son lost his wallet," while a man kung fu grips a bomb in a brief case onto a plane without screening nor questioning. Next, a pilot argues with the aircraft control, and they listen to him. Plus, a lady cuts in line to ask a question and gets a polite answer from smiling airport staff! Good golly.

Personally, Airport was good, but I like the remake better. Airplane!

Friday, April 6, 2012

#AtoZ : For You Son

 Today, April 6, is my son's twenty-fourth birthday. Happy birthday, kid. He may be a grown man but he's still a kid to me. Especially when he does goofy things like his mustachio bashio for St. Patrick's Day.

Or this photo of him goofing off in the department store.

May he always keep his childlike nature... like  keep it away from his sisters!

Here's a repost of a great clip of his. Too bad it happened during "No Shave November."

If you want to know why he is called Wilberfoss, here's a link. 
from my last year's W post.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


I'm home from work for two days. Wednesday morning, I saw my gynecologist... or rather she stuck my feet in those awkward stirrups and saw me. My youngest daughter–nineteen–has never had the pleasure of visiting this sort of doctor, so I made her an appointment in May and told her it doesn't hurt a bit. It's just like a trip to the dentist, except they're looking at the other end.

Next, I enjoyed a yummy lunch of vegetable broth soup, jello, and Sprite. At two o'clock the real fun began, and the gyno visit was the easy part of the day. Every fifteen minutes, I took four pills with eight ounces of fluid for an hour and fifteen minutes. To tell you what happened then would be too much information.

At seven, I repeated the whole disgusting procedure, but at least I didn't have to drink chalk like I did the last two times. I don't know why I took the last dose–obedient, I guess–but also ridiculous; there was nothing in me!

I took two potassium pills and swallowed four Dulcolax at bedtime. Nothing to eat or drink after midnight.

To top it all off, I got a Fleet Enema this morning. As if there's anything else in there. It's early in the morning, and I'm off to the St. Francis Surgery Center to have some lucky doctor look up my --- eeeeeeeek!