Being that I have multiple dogs sniffing all over my site, I had to take advantage of the D day. Let me introduce you to the crew.
The Swaz |
Alpha Dog is The Swaz. He's an old, white-faced retriever who likes to spread his enormous body across the entry ways of dark rooms. I've almost ended my life by tripping over him quite a few times. Swaz has never been what one would call an active dog. When I throw the ball, he knows I'm not going anywhere, so what's the rush to get it back? He'll simply stroll to the ball, place it in his enormous jaws, and eventually I may see it again. He's a love but at 12½, I worry about him.
Millie & Erica |
Millie the Rescue Dog: She's a Terrier Mix who probably hasn't seen a pedigree in the family for many years. Her tongue is too big for the mouth, so it sticks out but dries quickly. She hops into bed between my husband and me every night and makes odd groaning noises. My kids enjoy her squeaky toy gadget. Touch her belly and she grunts.
Goofy Ruby |
Ruby the goofy grand dog: No longer my problem! I say that because the son took her back to Charleston after she chewed up every pair of my daughter's underwear. When we go to see her, she lets us know she still loves us by peeing on the floor or taking a flying leap to give us a sloppy kiss. She's a Dino dog (Flintstones) for sure.
I do not know the cute puppies on my site; however, if Erica has her way, we just might. Catch my words tomorrow when I explore the Empty Nest with Letter E.
Nice to meet you and your dog friends!! New follower her. Looking forward to more A-Z posts :)
I like your fun posts. I love dogs too, wrote a poem about my silly mutt for Poem-A-Day in April challenge you might enjoy =)
AND my son's baseball team is the Grizzlies!
Happy D Day!
Thanks for visiting. We had a nasty storm that knocked our power out. They promised to have it back by Friday, but I'm still getting my posts up. If you tune in tomorrow, you might learn why I'm able to get these done.
They are such cute dogs!
Hi there Joyce.nice to meet someone new. I'm following.
Dogs, third entry on this topic today and all so different. I love dogs so thoroughly enjoyed it.
L'Aussies Travel Blog A - Z Challenge - D is for Darfur
Thanks for all the comments and followers. If you follow me, I'll do my best to find your blog and follow you back.
Now I'm going to post letter E a little early because early starts with an E, plus, I have no power at home. See ya!
What sweet puppies! I can't imagine having three...We have one and she keeps us busy. :-)
Thanks. Actually we only have two now. The son rescued us from Ruby the wild one! Whew!
I know I have met one of your dogs on Skype, but I can't remember which one. I will say, I was not surprised you chose Dogs for D.
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