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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

#WW: TJ & Chester

If you owned Thomas Jefferson's bath tub,

would you bathe your wiener in it?


stevebethere said...

LOL awww! how cute and yes as it's only a small weiner :-)

Susan Demeter said...

D'awww he is adorable :) Sorry about capchta. Last time I removed it I got almost 100 pieces of spam comments in email in a day I wish the spammers would be stopped then no need for it. :(

An Apel a Day said...

Sure, why not? LOL

Ai Sakura said...

I would love a bath tub like that for MYSELF! haha

Ai @ Sakura Haruka
Join in: Wordless Wednesday Linky Party

Binky said...

Trying to get him in the tub is the hard part.

Shere said...

Love the dog's outfit!

Masshole Mommy said...

I want that wiener outfit for my Milo!!!!

mail4rosey said...

If I had one, I most certainly would. :) Little cute doggie outfit!!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

LOL he's adorable.

Dee said...

LOL! Sure!

LA Botchar said...

Sure - why not?
but would that make it a Hot dog?

Ingrid said...

Lol ! don't think the "Wiener" would appreciate the honor !

(◔‿◔) said...

Oh, no: Hot dog outfit. muhahahaha The dachshund has a suitable facial expressions. Cute!
Your question with the bath tub, i don't know, but i thin yes. I suppose I would bathe everything in it. haha. Thanks 4 hosting this project.
I wish you a happy evening, Wieczora (◔‿◔)| My photoblog

Theresa Mahoney said...

Well, how else is the wiener going to get clean?

Claire Justine said...

Haha, aww so sweet :)

Amila said...

oh!this is something to think about :)
he is adorable....

Anonymous said...

I had that same tub growing up, I loved it!

Grace Grits and Gardening said...

I do have one of those bathtubs, but I have no weiner...

Rhonda Albom said...

LOL - you are very silly, I don't have a wiener.