Catch My Products

Catch My Products
Click on the image to visit Catch My Products.

My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Monday, February 3, 2020

TpT Gift Card Giveaway and Sitewide Sale!

You aren’t going to want to miss out on this!

I have some crazy big news that is going to have you doing a happy dance.

Starting now but ending soon . . .

Starting tomorrow…
Every single resource in my store will be 20% off!
It gets even better. If you use the promo code FEBSALE, TPT will give you an additional 5% off!
That is a total of 25% off of all of my resources, including bundles.
This amazing offer will only be available tomorrow and Wednesday! You need to be quick. So how about getting your cart ready now?
Not sure where to start?
Here are four of my favorite resources:
Are you looking for a Harry Potter product that will engage your students while giving them a fun and challenging logic puzzle activity at the same time? If your kids are in love with anything Harry Potter and looking for a fun activity, too, here is the resource for you. Your kids will love it!
Do your students have trouble making inferences from text? This standards based PowerPoint lesson guides students in the art of making inferences. It also includes a funny photo with the chance to make an inference and an exit ticket. Your students will love being asked to make inferences from these written passages.
Do you have trouble getting your kids to use accountable talk or to respond to open ended questions during class discussions? If so, this bundle is made for you! With easy to use printable pages that will have your students excited about learning, this resource will make accountable talk super easy.

Are you looking for math products to compliment your literary studies? Students love to solve word problems related to the novels they read, especially when they are funny. Plus, with today's emphasis on multi-subject lessons, here are several, standards based, math worksheets related to novels. This easy to use, print and go, is a good way to tie in two subjects during a novel study. Find common core standards in this packet of multiple novel-based word problems.

Also, find these links to February Resources and Winter Resources!
I have a plethora of seasonal products to engage and challenge your kids.
I hope this helps you to get your cart ready for the big sale! Let me know if you have questions.
Click HERE to head to my store.
Happy shopping!
Catch My Products
P.S. Remember that the giveaway ends at midnight tomorrow and the sale is only TOMORROW and Wednesday!

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Closing the Observation Lesson and Music

Time to Close the Directed Lesson

Time to end the teaching lesson - how to

Have you ever been so nervous during an evaluation that you forget to close the lesson? I have! Here are some tips for ending that teacher observation and thus giving that administrator the signal . . . it's time for you to leave.

  • I will usually close a lesson by asking the kids what they have learned. Then I will say, "Let's do one more." With that final problem, teachers can look at the faces on the kids and get a clue at who may be ready for independent practice and who needs more help.
  • Finally, give those who are ready, some sort of independent practice and work individually with anyone who seems confused.
  • To test the kids' understanding, do something on each child's individual level. This is where things can get tricky! You have so many different kids to teach, yet that administrator expects individuality. Also, you must do this while doing your best not to let the kids know that they aren't all getting the same thing. It helps to have the pages look alike on a quick glance.
  • Enrichment: Of course you must have something in play for that early finisher but make sure it relates to the day's teaching. I've been dinged for having the kids go to my enrichment center that has general materials that don't necessarily relate to what I taught on any given day. Dang! Teaching is a lot of work. I remember one lesson on area and perimeter where I taped off a section in the back of the classroom. Early finishers would get out of their seats to count floor squares. That was pretty cool! Although, you must be wary of kids disrupting those who are still working.
  • When everyone is done, I like to take them to the bathroom, water fountain, or recess. Ie., the signal for the principal to leave and for you to take a deep breath. Congrats! You're done until next time.
Celebrate that night! 

Teachers celebrate being finished with observation lesson.
Would you believe this was a gift from a student?

If you are just checking in, find past posts on the teacher evaluation: 
Teacher Observations, Beginning 
The Observation Continues

If you are looking for great, ready made lesson, check out my store, Catch My Products. I call myself the gifted department store because I have just about everything. I'm even thinking about adding some resources for adult literacy learners, since I will soon be teaching helping an adult improve reading skills.

And now, Monday Music Moves Me

Today's theme is love songs and break up songs. This first musical number by Bachman Turner Overdrive has been on my mind.

Here's a great break up song from way back when by Simon & Garfunkle.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Dollar Deals for One Day Only

In case you were wondering, here are the winners of our giveaway.

If you didn't win, don't worry. It's Tuesday, which means there are a lot of awesome products on sale for just $1 at TpT. The sale items were in the giveaway and there are more, too.

Just hop on over to this Sale Link! You'll find over four pages of dollar deals for grades PreK - 8.

Here is what I have to offer for only $1!

Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Middle of the Observation Lesson

The Observation Continues

If you missed the post on the beginning of the evaluation lesson, you can find it here: Starting Your Observation Lesson

Now, that we've looked at the start of our observation lesson, let's get to the meat of the matter, the actual teaching. Standard Release Teaching, TIMS, TEM, or Whatever - The name is constantly changing but the basic concept doesn't.

  • You must model what you are teaching. Call it "I do" or just say to the kids, "Watch this!" You may need to show them what to do once, twice, or even thrice depending upon your students.

Picture of a male model for teachers to model their lessons for kids.
This may not be the type of modeling I'm 
talking about, but I bet he got your attention.

  • Do the lesson with the whole group while having the kids help by talking you through it. Ask questions, such as, "What should I do next?"
  • I find this to be a good place to check for understanding and remind the kids of what they are learning . . . or better, yet, ask them to tell you. This can be something as basic as a thumbs up or fist or five. If the students are lost, they hold up a fist. If they understand the lesson well, five fingers indicates this. They could hold up 1, 2, 3, or 4 fingers, dependent on their level of understanding; however, be careful. I've had kids watch their classmates for what to hold up. Some kids might be embarrassed to publicly admit that they do not understand the lesson. For this reason, you may want the kids to shut their eyes.

The FB like symbol for teachers to check for understanding while teaching

  • The third main step of the lesson is to have kids work with a classmate to complete the skill. Pairing could be with the next door neighbor or placing a partner who understands with someone who is lost. Administrators love this peer interaction, so be sure to include it.

Tune in next week to read about closing the lesson.

Also, if you haven't entered the teacher giveaway, today (Sunday) is the last day so head on over to the rafflecopter! Good luck!

If you need more details, click here: About the Giveaways

PreK -K:
Middle School:

Musical Monday Moves Me:

Did you like the male model above? If so, here is some more eye candy to the tune of Call Me Maybe. These hot hunks make the lyrics relevant! Hey, I may be married, but I'm not dead.

Since we discussed that students need to understand, here is a song by Shawn Mendes, Understand.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Three Great February Giveaways for TEACHERS

February is such a great time of year with So Many FUN Holidays to CELEBRATE! I’ve teamed up with other sellers to give three people a HUGE BUNDLE of Resources for February! You’ll get the products shown for a great selection of activities for your primary, elementary, or middle schoolers. Sign up for the one that fits your grade level. If you teach high school, we don't have a giveaway but email me at, and I'll see what I can do, since I am The Gifted Department Store.

Check this out: 

Teachers Pay Teachers giveaway of first and second grade resources

It’s EASY to Enter
Comment on my blog by answering this question:

  • What’s your favorite February Holiday?

We’d love it if you’d share with your colleagues! 
🍀🍀Good Luck!🍀🍀

Raffle ends at midnight on January 26, 2020.
The winner will be announced on January 27th .

Our Terms:
You must be a teacher, paraprofessional or education administrator to win and provide proof by providing your school name and grade level within 48 hours after contacted or a new random winner will be selected.

This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook, Instagram, or Teachers Pay Teachers. You understand that you are providing your information to the owner of this page and not to Facebook, Instagram, or Teachers Pay Teachers. No Purchase Required.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Teacher Observation Beginnings

Evaluation Basic Beginnings

Administrators expect a few steps in your evaluation. Here is a short list to expand or rehash your memory on the beginnings of a great lesson. I decided not to go into the full evaluation lesson because I didn't want to info overload anyone.

Before you start your lesson, make sure you have all your supplies ready where you can easily find them. I know this sounds basic, but have you ever had to look for something missing when teaching? Imagine having to do this during an observation. Yikes!

Justin Timberlake was a Shelby County Schools kid.
JT and me for a Set
He has nothing to do with teacher evaluations,
but he's awfully cute and a good set, so I posted him here.
If that doesn't grab your attention, nothing will.
  • Set - You need a basic start up to catch your students' interest. Tell a relevant (and clean, ha, ha) joke. Show a film short, play a song, throw out a relevant question, match the learning to something of interest to them.  For example, say, "Harry Potter has to do this before buying a new wand.," etc. Whatever you do, keep in mind that kids are different than we were. They need something that says, "Hey! Listen to this." 
  • Standards - Don't ya hate 'em? It may seem stupid to throw out a number to a bunch of kids who could care less, but those administrators really like to know what you are teaching. If nothing else, have that standard written somewhere visibly in the classroom. Actually, definitely have the standard on your board. Find kid speak to tell the kids what they are learning and don't forget to have them say that learning objective back to you or to a classmate. Throughout the lesson, you want to remind the kids of what they are learning.
#TeachersPayTeachers #TpT #education
Past Learning to make lessons meaningful
In the past, I learned that coffee grounds did nothing to improve my complexion.
But, they are great for getting rid of ants;
so if you have ants on your face, cover liberally with coffee grounds.

  • Past Learning - This step may not always be needed, depending who is watching you, but it's a nice touch. Do what you can to make the lesson relevant to the kids by mentioning how it can be used or how it relates to past learning. Evaluators love lessons that can be tied into other things in meaningful ways. This could also be part of the set. For example, "Where have you seen or might we see analogies?

Hope this was helpful. Tune in next week for ways to deliver the meat of the lesson with gradual release tips and formative assessment techniques. Since this post is now up: The Middle of the Observation

I have a lot of lessons in PowerPoint that are good for evaluations. Check these out!

Fact and Opinion PowerPoint lesson on TeachersPayTeachers

Area and Perimeter Word Problem lesson on PowerPoint

Musical Monday Moves Me

This week is a freebie, so since this post was about beginnings, I'm going to post a song by that name from, Chicago.

Also, since I posted Justin Timberlake on my blog, I have to make sure you know who he is . . . as if you didn't. This song is called, "Supplies." What a coincidence. Not! Hopefully, you won't be kissing in the classroom or having a dirty little girl telling you to, "Just die, already!" Needless to say, nothing out of the mouths of babes surprises me anymore.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Pop-In Evaluations and Music, Too

During my time teaching, there was never anything more nerve-wracking than the pop-in evaluation, which often occurred in January or February; however, I remember waiting until half past April, one year. It seemed like it didn't matter how long I had taught, I'd still feel that familiar jump in my chest when the administrator headed into my room. Plus, it wasn't just me. As a specialist teacher, I saw many classroom teachers jump when I opened the door to pick up their kids.

We'd all talk about pop-in evaluations after the fact, or the rumors about who got hit and where teachers saw the administrator headed. "Can you believe she sat it Mrs. Teacher's room and waited for her and her class to come in from recess?"

Blog post about teacher evaluations
One co-worker got so nervous that she forgot her kids' names . . . and this happened during the second semester. Another teacher had her pop-in right before Christmas. In the middle of her evaluation, kids pointed at the clock and yelled, "Miss T., we're missing the Christmas party!" I kid you not. This really did happen at what I called, "Hell Elementary," where I got stuck teaching for two years.

Nervousness is normal. We all feel it, except for maybe the teacher who is ready to retire. Nonetheless, after multiple pop-ins, I got familiar with what it takes to score high and retired as a level five teacher. On our scale, that was great!

Evaluation Tips

Ask and Listen

Before you have your pop-in evaluation, you're bound to have had a planned evaluation with a pre-conference. I've seen these pre-conferences as optional and required. Either way, you should definitely go for it. Become familiar with what the evaluators are looking for and do as they say. If you got tips after your last evaluation, put these into practice. Not just when you think you're going to be evaluated but all the time. Which leads me to the next tip.

Establish a Teaching Routine

There are certain things evaluators look for in ALL evaluations. These vary from administrator to administrator, but certain habits need to become just that. To not do what the evaluator wants in all of your lessons is to set yourself up for failure during the pop-in. How many times do we forget what we should do when we are nervous? It doesn't matter if you are teaching or pulling someone's cavity. You have to be comfortable with the needed steps! If you practice good teaching, ALWAYS, your autopilot will kick in, and you'll be a success.

Thanks for tuning in. Next week, I will get specific about the basic requirements of an evaluation.

Would you like to join my group by clicking below? You will also receive a FREE No Prep Problem Solving Pack, and I often send freebies with my posts.

Link to get FREE teaching resources for GT class.

Monday Music Moves Me

Since it's time for Monday Music Moves Me, and the topic is a freebie, I will post songs that relate to this post in some way. First up is Gloria Gaynor's song, "I will Survive."

Next is "Teacher, Teacher" by 38 Special.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Planning for the New Year

Advice for New Year for teachers to plan in / how to
Clipart from The Little Nerdy Teacher

New Year Plan

It's a new year and everybody seems to be all about goal setting. I've also heard that people who set goals and actually write them down are more likely to achieve them.

So, what are your plans for 2020?

As a teacher, I often felt like it was simply staying afloat. I was a Special Education teacher for gifted and talented students. That probably doesn't sound right, but in Tennessee, giftedness is a handicapping condition. That's how we funded our program.

Years ago, I had a parent who would constantly brag to his coworkers about how bright his daughter is. Then, he attended an IEP meeting and received his "Parent Rights for Children with Disabilities" pamphlet. He left it in his car, which he lended to a co-worker. The bragging caught up to him because the teasing didn't stop.

Tip: Set Goals Early

To stay afloat, I would work to stay at least one week ahead on my IEP writing. Planning ahead, I would use any slower weeks to write future IEPs. If I had a crazy future week, I didn't wait until the weekend before to get writing.

Lesson planning was a little trickier because you never know what you'll finish in class. As a result, I was a huge overplanner. I'd plan more than could ever get completed in one class period and then scoot the unfinished over to the next class. This was helpful in keeping up with my plans. Now, if you have an administrator who expects you to complete absolutely everything you write in plans, place these activities, elsewhere.

Who Taught One Year Thirty Times?

Teachers who teach one year over and over, again
I didn't have these 30 years, ago.
Clip art by Clever Cat Creations

We've all heard about the teacher who taught one year thirty times. With the constant curriculum changes and trends, that is no longer possible! However, if you find something great, there is nothing wrong with pulling it out again next year. Why not keep a folder of these lessons. Heck, you can actually keep ten folders, one for each month of the school year. I can't imagine falling into the trap of teaching the same year over and over. Just not possible these days, so chillax! 

Have a Happy New Year!

I send these posts to my mailing group; however, they sometimes get free resources along with the article. You can, too. Just join my group by clicking below!

You will also receive a FREE No Prep Problem Solving Pack!

Monday Music Moves Me - New Beginnings

Here is one of my old favorites, "Danny's Song" by Loggins and Messina. 

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Giveaway, Dollar Deals, and Half Price Steals!

Enter to win $550 gift card to TeachersPayTeachers

🤩🤩 Happy New Year Teachers! We’ve teamed up to make this the Happiest New Year yet! Here’s your chance to grab EVERYTHING EVERYTHING Teachers Pay Teachers for the New Year! 🤩🤩
We are giving away a $550 TpT Gift Card. ⭐ Comment on this post by answering this question:
What TpT resources would you buy if you won?
Enter the raffle here:, we love Shares, too!

🍀🍀Good Luck!🍀🍀

Raffle ends at midnight on January 5, 2020.
The winner will be announced on January 6th.

Our Terms:
You must be a teacher, paraprofessional or education administrator to win and provide proof by providing your school name and grade level within 48 hours after contacted or a new random winner will be selected.
This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook, Instagram, or Teachers Pay Teachers. You understand that you are providing your information to the owner of this page and not to Facebook , Instagram, or Teachers Pay Teachers. No Purchase Required.


Do you want to find some deals and steals?

Click HERE to find these great deals for either $1.00 or half price. I'm offering two half price steals  and one Dollar Deal for you!

#sale #TpT #iteach345

year round logic puzzles on sale half price
Logic Puzzle to Last the Year
And if you hurry . . .

Monday, December 30, 2019

Dollar Deals and TpT Money!

Look at this!

I've joined in with some fantastic sellers to #RingIn2020. Just go to Teachers Pay Teachers, tomorrow and search the hashtag #RingIn2020 for fabulous sales!

Here's what I have on sale for just $1:

Also, be on the lookout for a HUGE giveaway starting January 2nd.

$550 to Teachers Pay Teachers is insane, and you don't want to miss it! 
Stay tuned for this upcoming chance to win big!



Can you believe it? I feel like my life is speeding up and perhaps it is. After all, a year is an eternity for a toddler. Looking at a year as half of your life is huge. 1/58th of it, not so much. The older we get, the faster time flows. It's Einstein's theory of Relativity.

A new year's clipart by Ron Leishman
by Ron Leishman

So what are you going to do to make this year better than the last one? We always resolve to lose weight or get healthy, don't we? I wonder how many people I've lost and gained in my lifetime. That means, looking at weight loss and comparing it to the poundage of a human. I've certainly lost and gained many chihuahuas in 2019 alone.

How about the kindness resolution? That's a good one. It's often difficult to ignore stupid comments on Facebook, but I'm trying. I think I'll resolve to spend less time on FB to begin with. It certainly is a time suck that steals from my business. As a self employed person, the more I work the more I make. So, that's it. Time limits on Facebook.

As a former teacher, I know that teachers need all the time they can get to work on lesson plans, evaluations, grading papers, and everything else that goes along with the thankless job. So here you go! Resolve to spend time wisely.

Finally, here is a favorite song from a favorite scene from a favorite movie, 'It's a Wonderful Life.'

Also, I have two new products that I've listed within the last week.

math activities for winter season

2nd grade logic sudoku math writing

Monday, December 23, 2019

Happy Chanukah!

Last night we gathered at my sister-in-laws house to celebrate Chanukah with family. Here are some songs just for you!

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Dollar Deals are Here with Great Music, Too

Dollar Deals

There is nothing more difficult than being in a classroom right before Christmas except being in a classroom right before summer break! Let's face it. All kids are nuts, right now, and teacher are becoming crazy, too! So to make life easier for teachers, I am participating in TWO dollar deals on TpT.

#happyholideals takes place today and tomorrow. Just visit Teachers Pay Teachers and search #happyholideals or click:

My next group has a secret code and the sale starts, tomorrow. Just click on the link below!

I assume most of you only have a week or less until break. If it's more than that, your school board will probably be visited by ghosts because that's cruel!

Musical Monday Moves Me

Now, it's time to rock on with another group of fun bloggers who post music every Monday! This month's theme is Christmas music, which can sometimes be tough on a Jewish gal who doesn't celebrate Christmas. However, I always told my kids that when you go to a birthday party, it's not YOUR birthday. Same with a Christmas party. Nothing wrong with wishing a Merry Christmas for those who celebrate. I'll post my Chanukah music next Monday, since December 22 is the first night of Hanukkah. (Notice the change of spelling? It doesn't matter!)

Merry Christmas!

Did you know you can watch a fire and listen to music continuously on a YouTube station? You can comment on the song played, but it will probably be a different one for each of you because this is like a radio station that plays live all the time. Pretty cool. Enjoy your holiday!