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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Thursday, June 20, 2013

#GBE2: Siblings

I was told I was part of the family because of a trade with the Indians. The tribe received beads, while my family got a little papoose with a red spot on her forehead. That birthmark was the true coloring of an Indian girl, me. It might have been okay if my brother and sisters had told me they were teasing; however, this stunt continued for years with little me believing it all. Okay, so I was gullible, but isn't that part of being tiny among the mighty sibs? 

They had an 8½, 6½, and 4 year jump on me, and they used it to their advantage. I was their trained mouthpiece in acquiring what Mom and Dad would have never agreed to. As the Chevrolet ventured down the road, with the three of them shoulder-to-shoulder in the backseat while I sat wedged between the adults in the front, he-who-must-not-be-named would point out the window and say, "Look, Joycie. What do you see?"

Next came my hopping dance, "McDonalds! McDonalds! Let's go to McDonalds!" Sure enough the car would slide into the lot for hamburgers, fries, and chocolate shakes, which no one would have gotten if one who wasn't so stinkin' cute had asked.

I was also subjected to constant bouts of tickling from He-who-must-not-be-named and TV high jacking, too. I don't know which was worse: being held by the arms and tortured or forced to watch Bonanza. Tickling is a definite form of abuse, especially when Gilligan's Island is on, but I was too little to stop it. 

Then there were the other set ups. 

"If you tear your blanket, 
you'll have many." 

"Why don't you go ask Mr. Slatkin,
the famous conductor neighbor, 
for his autograph early in the morning?"

Laughter as a piece of liver is shoved in my mouth 


hearing fart sounds as I bite into a chicken butt.

He-who-must-not-be-named gets angry when I write about him, but he was by far the most lethal sibling. I wonder if he would have subjected me to constant torture if he knew that one day I'd have a blog.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Haircuts

My daughter and I decided to give each other haircuts. Although neither one of us has had any training in this nor have we done it before, it looks easy enough. 

First, Erica cut my hair.



Next I cut hers.



So, what do you think? 


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Musical Monday: Biff is Back

We know him as Biff from Back to the Future, but did you know he's also a funny musician? Check this out.

And this.

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

Friday, June 14, 2013

#GBE2: What if?

What if after your neighbor had trouble budgeting his household and his kids earned failing grades in school, he filed bankruptcy and moved in with you?

What if having a much larger family, he used a majority rules system?

What if he fired your wonderful maid and hired his person?

What if although your son is an A student, he kicked him out of the house and moved his five son's into his old room?

What if he made so many demands that the head of the family, who had received awards for his skills, got fed up and left?

What if many other family members, including Aunt Martha who worked to make the neighbors feel at home, got kicked out of the household, too?

What if they prevented you from getting your August 2 paycheck?

Sounds unbelievable?

What if Memphis City Schools, a failing district, gave up their charter and forced Shelby County Schools to consolidate with them.

It's not as unbelievable as one thinks.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Theme Thursday: Destinations

Mowgli's destination 
was clearly with us. 

A lady waited for suckers at the entrance to the dog park with her cage full of five week old black lab/blue heeler puppies.

"Free puppies," she said. 

My daughter has wanted a puppy for a long time, so we sent her the following text messages. The rest is history.

My youngest called the puppy lady. She had just left the park but was already turning around to come back. Her daughter got out of the truck, handed Erica the dog of choice, and drove off before we could change our minds.

Judy is moving to Michigan and has not yet found a place to live. Several places do not allow animals, but that's a minor detail, isn't it?

I admit, getting her this dog was a cruel stunt. At seven weeks, he's only about 90% house broken. He just knows how to sit and shake on command, although he's almost mastered the stay and come here commands.

Plus, he's not even cute.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Mazel Tov!

This past weekend, our nephew was ordained as a reform rabbi.

The synagogue was gorgeous.

Soon he will lead Rhonda's congregation in Auckland, New Zealand. What a small world! 


Sunday, June 9, 2013

Musical Monday: Let's Do the Time Warp Again

As teens, who went to the midnight showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show? Did you dress like Janet? Did you throw toast and keep your hair dry with newspapers? I once went with a friend and her dad, who was a professional movie critic. Guess what? 

He liked it!

So get on your feet and dance The Time Warp again.

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Treading the Off Beaten Path: The Waiter


I once saw someone tread 
          off the beaten path.             

While Rhonda and I sat in a Boston restaurant waiting for our server, I noticed a spot on my fork. I told the cute, young waiter about my spot, and he fell into a hysterical routine.

"Spot on fork! Spot on fork! We must have happy customers." This goofball grabbed my fork, spoon, and knife as well as Rhonda's set. Next, he cleared the salt, pepper, and any other condiments off the table, and the table cloth.

"We must have happy customers," he chanted while charging across the room. Within moments, the waiter returned, spread a fresh table cloth over the wood, returned condiments, and reset our entire table.

"Spot on fork! Spot on fork! We must have happy customers." 

I don't know if I ever laughed so hard or gave such a generous tip. Rhonda has recorded travel adventures across the world at Laugh Quotes, but I don't think she's ever found another waiter like this one.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

#GBE2: Half My Life Ago

Our original family

Half my life ago, December 5, 1987, I celebrated my twenty-sixth birthday. My family consisted of my husband, golden retriever, and a five-month pregnant belly. I stayed up until midnight every night and then drove to work after filling my Honda with 95¢ a gallon gas.

My men. Wasn't my husband a fox?
My teaching job paid one-third of what I earn today, but it didn't matter because we could see our World Series Champion Cardinals for $9.24 a ticket and buy a McDonald's hamburger for 45¢, without worrying about what it would do to our bodies. We paid 22¢ to mail letters because we didn't have a computer or internet. I'd heard rumors about this thing called "the information super highway" but couldn't fathom what that actually meant.

Ronald Reagan sat in the Oval Office, even though I'd voted for John Anderson. I didn't know about the electoral college and still believed a third-party candidate could win. Although my independent won the popular vote in California, the electoral votes went to Reagan.

We enjoyed Dirty Dancing for under $4.00 a ticket and wondered how one could be as crazy as Glenn Close's character from Fatal Attraction. We still enjoyed going to bars (I didn't drink while pregnant) where we'd dance to Michael Jackson's Bad or George Michael's Faith. After a night of dancing in heels, my back didn't even hurt.

Looking back, I realize I've spent more of my life with my husband than without him, which means I am dang old.

I leave you with a clip of top songs from December 5, 1987.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Event Management

My daughter has a summer internship 
with a wedding planner.
 This was left in our kitchen.
It's better than finding a groom on the counter. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

The Partner's Progeny Cover Reveal

Bullies rule … or do they?
For seventeen years, Victoria Sheek has been a paralegal surpervisor at the Law Offices of Pereene, Carr, and Sevino, specializing in injury law. Rumors portray her as a bully. She remains confident that her position will never cease because of close relations to one of the founding partners, Mr. Carr.
Until Mr. Pereene, the head partner, hires Monica Bowman. Smitten with her because of her resemblance to his deceased granddaughter, Melissa, and his memories of her, she can do no wrong.
Which one of the two girls will keep their position at the firm? It takes and unexpected event to decide the outcome of this rivalry.

Shelly Arkon is the author of Secondhand Shoes

 When Shelly isn’t doing the laundry, cleaning, cooking, chasing grandkids, listening to daughter drama (five of them), or lopping heads of hair at the salon, she’s writing beside her two fur-peeps, Sir Poops and Hair Ball, popping an occasional chocolate while her hubby is flipping through TV channels.

She lives in New Port Richey with her husband and two dogs. She’s also a member of Florida Writer’s Association and Writer’s of Mass Distraction.

Musical Monday: It's 3 AM

Here I am up in the night with the puppy again, and I couldn't help but think of this song. I know it isn't a lady running through my head, but it is still 3 AM, or er, since I've already taken him outside and held him while he nibbled on me, it's now 3:24 AM. Close enough to love OAR. He's dozing in the kitchen. Time to post, turn off the lights, and try to sneak back to bed. Happy Monday morning.

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

True Story -- Tee Hee

Hey, my young Google Plus friends: This one's for you.
If you're still reading my blog, you may see yourselves. Love you, guys!

Dylan leaped for Tim's pass, but the football sailed over his head and into Mrs. Crowder's rose bushes. As the boys stared at the petals covering their football, Joyce, Tim's little sister chuckled. 

"Now you're in trouble!" She gave a wide grin which stretched all the way to her beautiful eyes.

"Mrs. Crowder will never know," Tim said. "We'll glue the petals back on the buds."

Dylan chuckled. "Tim! That's ridiculous. Didn't Mrs. Lansky teach you anything in APEX class? You can't glue petals back on flowers."

"Watch me," he said while running toward his house.

Dylan didn't mind Tim leaving him with Joyce. After all, she was the cutest girl in Chinese school, and he loved it when Mrs. Lansky had seated them together in APEX class. He grinned at Joyce, and then clambered through the bushes to snatch the football from its rose garden prison. To his left, Dylan spotted a beautiful blossom and picked it for Joyce.

"Here you go." Right as Dylan gave the rose to his girlfriend, Tim came charging back while clutching a bottle of super glue. 

"You have the petals?" He asked.

Dylan pointed to a patch on the ground and watched Tim squeeze tiny droplets onto the end of three petals. The blossoms easily slid into place as if never disturbed. "You were saying?" Tim said. 

"Ingenious." Dylan had to agree, the roses looked okay.

When Tim's back was turned, Joyce superglued three silky red petals to each other and then put a huge glob on the back of the stack.

So now you know why Tim is still holding the petals the first day of seventh grade.

Authors note: Dylan and Joyce are not boyfriend and girlfriend because fifth graders are much too young for that. Plus, Joyce is not the devious type, nor would her smart brother fall for this stunt. I just like to mess with them.  Are we good now?

Friday, May 31, 2013

Survival of the Cutest

After being up from two to three this morning, I've decided that Mowgli would never survive if he weren't so stinkin' cute; however, it could be worse. At two AM, Aleda (the only one posting at the time) writes, "Sick dog in a high-rise....not fun. :-(" Our Mowgs was just feeling playful. 

Yesterday, Judy left for a two week stint as a camp counselor, so we are the official 

"Loco parentiredness." 

The little guy fell asleep under the desk at three, so I shut the kitchen doors and crept back to bed.

At seven, Mitchell charged into the room. "I can't find Mowgli!" He'd fallen asleep on the porch with the doors closed, but puppy breath was missing. Shortly after hopping out of bed, Mitchell spotted him under the couch. See the tiny flap? He was asleep under there. I tried to pose him under the couch for a picture, but Mowgli was more interested in biting my phone.

Oh, no! Here's Mitchell asking where Mowgli is. 

"I thought he was with you," I said. Nope! He's on the porch once again looking so stinkin' cute.

Yep! Cuteness is a safety feature.

Let me leave you with the song that's 
been stuck in my head all week. 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

#GBE2: No Comfort in My Fictional World

Although impoverished, fifteen-year-old Ben enjoys his loving mother, good friends, and the comfort of his rundown home; however, his world topples when a balding weirdo storms into his apartment, shoots his mom, and kidnaps him. He rides five hours up a rain-slicked highway to a lush mansion with sculptured bushes, the scent of blossoms from the yard, and historic paintings each overhung by a fancy light.

Although his new home says, "Enjoy comfort," Ben carries anger toward a mob father who is as cold as his apartment the day the heater broke. When Ben's temper flares, he strikes the villain and then finds himself pinned to wooden paneling while being whipped. 

From then on, Ben obeys with a passive aggression until he is tricked into performing a horrendous deed. He escapes into adventures that only a few of my friends know about because no agent has been willing to read my manuscript. Comfort is a foreign concept for my book characters.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Meet Mowgli

I have a new grand dog!

The proud mama

Love at first sight.

Cuteness is a safety feature.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Musical Monday: School's Out!

Yay, it's Monday! This Monday is unlike my typical because I am sleeping in, drinking my coffee, and having a quiet relaxing day. Well, not really. I've been drafted to go to St. Louis at the last moment, but there's always tomorrow. Maybe I'll catch up on blog hopping. Maybe I'll read or write a good book. It doesn't matter because I'm not teaching for the next ten weeks. Summer vacation rocks and so does Alice Cooper, especially when he sing and dances with the Muppets!

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

Silly Sunday: The Baby

I'm a sucker for a cute face under a sign that says, "Free Puppies." Yesterday, we visited the dog park with two and came home with three. We justified it because our middle daughter will be moving to Michigan and has been begging for a dog. She has a birthday in June, so happy, happy. 

Of course, she doesn't have a place to live and now feels pressured to find a home that takes dogs. If she can't find a pet friendly place, I guess we're stuck with the cute, little fur ball.

Thanks to Dr. Google, I learned to put liquid in his food, and he ate a little bit. The baby cries in the night because that's what babies do. However, by July, he'll be good to head to Michigan, IF my daughter finds a suitable home. Memphis gets to be triple digits in the summer, so Michigan would be better for this black boy. Judy could also find him in the snow. 

If caving in to a cute puppy without thinking is not silly, what is? Guess what I'll be posting for Wordless Wednesday?

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Theme Thursday: Trust

If one says, "I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him," that means one doesn't trust him at all; however, if one is strong, one must trust more people because one can throw individuals farther––especially weak, little wussies. 

Also, one would trust a baby. After all, they don't weigh much, so one could throw them far. Of course if one threw a baby, I trust the mother would pose a serious threat.

I could also throw my little doggy, and I trust her. We sleep together, and so far she has not bit my nose off. If she ever did, I guess I'd quit trusting her and throw her out of our bed.

On another note, I trust you know that I'm as happy as a teacher on the last day of school.  

I ♡ summer.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Our New Nephew

They met in 7th grade, stayed best friends for five years, and dated seven years until Sunday night.

All of our kids joined the wedding party.

We danced the night away.

Beautiful Bridesmaids

I loved dancing around A & D when the men lifted their chairs.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Musical Monday: Roll Over Beethoven

As I strolled through the cemetery, strange sounds came from a grave, not exactly music, but more like random notes. I strained to listen and thought I recognized the ninth symphony, but no, it just didn't sound right. Continuing, maybe I heard the fifth symphony. Na, it was just random notes, I thought. 

A caretaker passed me, so I asked, "What is that sound?"

He said, "That's Beethoven. He's decomposing."

Come join Music Monday and share your songs with us. Rules are simple. Leave ONLY the ACTUAL LINK POST here and grab the code below and place it at your blog entry. You can grab this code at LadyJava's Lounge Please note these links are STRICTLY for Music Monday participants only. All others will be deleted without prejudice.

PS: Because of spamming purposes, the linky will be closed on Thursday of each week at midnight, Malaysian Time. Thank you!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

My Doctor's Appointment

I took off work for my yearly physical. 

First off, a lady in the waiting room had some disease that made her look like those African children with protein deficiencies. I hope that swollen belly syndrome wasn't contagious. 

Next, when I saw the doctor, she noticed I had a rough patch on my skin, "What do you put on it?" she asked.

I don't think she was happy when I gave her the truthful answer, "Fingernails." 

After the doctor left, a nurse drew my blood. It was red. 

To quote Mr. Gump, "That's all I have to say about that."

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Theme Thursday: Creativity

This week's prompt is creativity, which means I need to write a post unlike any you've ever read before. So, here it is:

A few years ago my letter V for the AtoZ Challenge was vacant. If you followed me back then, you've seen the blank post before, so let me try again:

Aveha ouya evera eadra aa ostpa ittenwra ina iglatinpa?

Of course there's someone out there who's read a post in pig latin. Fine. I'll try again.

Avez-vous jamais lu un poteau écrit en français ?

Ya, ya. Is it the same reader or a different one who has read a post in french? Hang in there, I'm trying to be creative. How about this?

Ah! I've got it!

Z B     R     A Z E R     X B     J Y J U F X A ,    R    

N W Z T T B C     X A     G C X D X B E     D F X A     

 U Z A D .  F Y C     W X D D W Y     L Z T     X A     

 N Y A X L Y     F Y C .

Hint: X = I 

Man this is tough! Want another hint?

Hint #2: T = G

You still don’t have it? Okay, I’ll give you one more, but this is my last hint!

Hint #3:  D = T
You want another hint?  I only get one letter in my Sunday paper. Want me to spell it out for you? Fine!

Hint #4: Z =O 

Really? You’re kidding me. Okay, but this is the real last hint.

Hint #5: J = M 
(Think. Where this blogger is from and how her Grizzlies team is finally getting some respect in basketball. Go Grizz!)

WOW! I solve these all the time in the Sunday paper, but I didn't know they were so hard to write. Did you solve it? Was this post creative enough for you? I hope you gave it your best shot because it took me forever to write a cryptograph.

Please write your answer in the comments section before I forget what it says. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Shopping

Do Mom and Aunt Jen go shopping in heaven?

Aunt Jen (left), Mom (right)