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My humorous thoughts about life.

"My Humorous and Helpful Thoughts About Teaching / Educational Resources for Your Classroom / Music and Random Fun"

Saturday, August 27, 2011

An Italian Boy's Confession

Thanks, Rhonda at Laugh Quotes for Silly Sunday. Here is my joke. Not quite Sunday in the states, but since it is for you, I'll go ahead and post.

'Bless me Father, for I have sinned.

I have been with a loose girl'.

The priest asks, 'Is that you, little Joey Pagano ?'

'Yes, Father, it is.'

'And who was the girl you were with?'

'I can't tell you, Father. I don't want to ruin her reputation'.

"Well, Joey, I'm sure to find out her name sooner or later

so you may as
well tell me now. Was it Tina Minetti?'

'I cannot say.'

'Was it Teresa Mazzarelli?'

'I'll never tell.'

'Was it Nina Capelli?'

'I'm sorry, but I cannot name her.'

'Was it Cathy Piriano?'

'My lips are sealed.'

'Was it Rosa DiAngelo, then?'

'Please, Father, I cannot tell you.'

The priest sighs in frustration.
'You're very tight lipped, and I admire that.
But you've sinned and have to atone.

You cannot be an altar boy now for 4 months.

Now you go and behave yourself.'

Joey walks back to his pew,

and his friend Franco slides over and whispers,

'What'd you get?'

'Four months vacation and five good leads.'

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Beyond the Limits of My Fridge

This week's Writer's Post Blog Hop #11 
Beyond the Limits

It's soooo big, it takes a moving van to bring it home.

My mind probably isn't going where Jenn intended, but why should this week be different than any other?

I just got back from Costco's where I was supposed to do two things: (1) Take back the pants in the backseat of my car that are too big and (2) Buy candy for my class. Of course I did neither. I remembered the pants while strolling out the door, but with Memphis' 91* weather, I decided my fudge bars wouldn't appreciate alone time in the trunk.

The infamous "they" say to never shop when hungry, and Mr. They is right! I bought strawberries, blueberries, a massive package of pizza rolls all because I was hungry and it looked good . . . even though these things go "beyond the limits" of what my fridge holds. 

To make room, I could throw out the moldy something in the back, a jar of pickle relish (everyone here hates sweet pickles), or the half-eaten yogurt that's probably reproduced since it contains "Live Cultures." What does live cultures mean anyway? 

The item that really goes beyond our limits is the big a$$ pizza I bought--pesto, tomatoes, chunks of whitish-yellow cheese, and green leafy things. Yum! Never mind the fact that our household is down to two. It looked good, and repeat after me: I was hungry.

This Costco pizza is sooooo huge, it goes beyond the limits of my fridge and must move directly from car to oven; but, Houston we have a problem. When I tried to lift it into the oven, it cracked on the side and rained chunks of cheese, tomatoes, and those leafy green things onto the rack and beyond. So here I was, scooping up sizzling ingredients off the bottom of the oven. No doubt, it will stick, burn, and make a horrid mess. 

Will I buy it again? Probably. 
Why? Because One day I'll be hungry! 

Thanks for stopping by. Please leave a comment, (((hugs))), and a click on the picket fence. And if you're in town, stop by for some pizza . . . unless, burp! Maybe I should keep the pants that are too big. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: It's All Greek to Me

Admit it, you were one.
How does a GDI like me end up with three Greek kids? Must be that fraternity boy I married.

While in college, our son enjoyed the "Animal House" feel of his fraternity at CofC.

Our middle child is proud to be a Zeta at Maryland!

Last Saturday, our youngest accepted a bid to AEPhi at UCF!

When I was in school I rushed four sororities on an icy evening. Not wanting to kill myself in heals, I wore my hiking boots. The gossip got back to me. "Did you hear? Someone wore hiking boots to rush!" 

"Uh, that would be me." The Greeks don't take no freaks . . . but they take their offspring. ;-)

Please clickity click on the 
Picket Fence at the top of the blog. 
Did I get that right?

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Spark Blogfest

This week, I am participating in the The Spark Blogfest over at The Writer Coaster blog. I am to write about special authors who inspired me to become a writer.

As one who writes for kids, I am forever and always reading children's books. Two authors have held a special place on my reading shelf as I've developed into a writer. Each approaches his or her books from a different angle and I've tried to incorporate a little of each of them into my writing style.

Thrilling & Suspenseful
First off, I love Margaret Peterson Haddix because her books continually pump up the action by putting her innocent little characters into high risk situations. For example, in her series "The Shadow Children," third born children were sentenced to die in a world where families were only allowed to birth two offspring. As a result these children would hide or plot to overthrow their government. The stakes never get higher than in a Haddix novel, so this trait has encouraged me to think of riskier ways to abuse my characters.

Funny but Insightful
Another author who I absolutely love is Gordan Korman. While Korman spins delightful stories full of unique and interesting characters, his humor has often had me laughing out loud. One of my favorite characters in any book comes from "Schooled." Korman created an original character in Capricorn Anderson, the flower child sent to C_average Middle School. His naive nature set the book up for great humor. Through Korman, I aim to put humor in many of my scenes while creating fun and unique characters.
If I could write with the suspense of Haddix and humor of Korman, I'd be known throughout the kids' book world.

Feel free to vote for me on the picket fence by clicking the icon. I won't mind. Thanks!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

#GBE2 Growing Wild in a New Dimension

This Sunday I've been offered two bloggy opportunities. Rhonda over at Laugh Quotes is experimenting with her new Silly Sunday and my GBE 2 group has dropped the topic of "Growing Wild." As one who usually writes humor, these topics are made for me, but not today. "Growing Wild" must take on a unique interpretation that fits the definition of "without restraint" because my good friend will soon be free.
My Friend and Me

Dear Swaz,
     I'm sorry for being so selfish yesterday morning. You gave me the message, but I just didn't want to see it. I held onto the hope that things could get better. They're not. The smell of death is all around you. Honey Bear and Millie know it as they sniff and keep their distance. You won't eat, drink, and although you've tried to stand your body has given out. 
     We've been together for almost thirteen years, which is a long time for a golden retriever like you. If you were human, we'd be celebrating your Bar Mitzvah, but you got the fate of a canine and we're preparing for your death instead.
     I remember picking you up from a home in Mississippi where I met your beautiful parents--Precious and Rebel. I'm sure they are waiting for you as are many of your brothers and sisters because baby, you've lived a long life. 
      That day we got you, you were the round puppy with the pretty face. You shook in my arms the entire trip home but soon adjusted to the family where you were loved completely. 
     I will miss you greeting me at the door when I come home, your tail wag, but most of all the special way you used to sing to us when we called our lover dog.
     If you want to go now, I give you permission because I don't want you to suffer anymore. Daddy will be home around two. If you're still breathing, we'll help you to go.
      I love you, Swaz, and eventually I'll find a way to stop crying because now you will find a way to grow wild in a place where you can run free.



Not great quality, but here are some pictures from his younger days.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Silent Moments: A Guide

This week on Writers' Post we've been asked to blog about silent moments. I'm sure we will read many beautifully heartfelt sentiments about those who are touched beyond words. This is not one of those. Below is advice for the socially challenged.

The Rhetorical Question
Remember when in the heat of a problem your mother or teacher asked you, "Do you think I'm stupid?" Trust me. It's best to provide a silent moment after these questions.

Too Much Information (alias TMI)
"Sorry I'm late but the dog got sick. He blah, blah, blah on the blah, blah, blah. This one was really gross! It looked like blah, blah, yackity, yack." Oh please just shut up. People don't care to know the inner workings of your body or that of your baby's.

To the Policeman
When the arresting officer says, "You have the right to remain silent," take his advice. It will do you no good to say, "I ain't been drinkin' occifer."

And of course I remember my son's freshman year of high school when he spent the night at the next door neighbors house--a boy his age. Although we required our kids to keep a curfew (at least the unfortunate first born child), our neighbor was much looser with the rules.

On several occasions, my husband would point out an older teen who would park his car at the end of the cove yet remain in it. Noting this suspicious activity, hubby would hang by the window and wait. Eventually the car would move forward and the two curfew breakers would step outside. This was my husband's cue to confront the boys right before they slipped into the car . . . at midnight of course. On one occasion the friend turned to my son and said, "I told you we should have waited longer!"

Aaaah, silent moments. They are the safety nets under the trapeze of life.

If you enjoyed my post, why not vote for me on the Picket Fence at the top of the blog.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: She's Gone!


I remember sitting in the limousine at my father's funeral procession. While everyone around me wept, I felt a heaviness in my heart and couldn't speak. That's what it felt like when my youngest daughter left for college. "Heavy heart" is not just an expression. It's a real biological response that goes beyond tears.

Clicking this link: should be a picket fence vote for me. Thanks!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

#GBE2: Scorned Blogger Breaks Trust After 40 Years

When I was in fifth grade, my best friend Kate was quite beautiful and as a result, just about every fellow in class had a crush on her. Being her best friend, the boys assumed I knew which lucky guy she liked back. I did. She had indeed trusted me with this secret and I promised I wouldn't tell.

Shortly after that, the boys attacked me on the playground and pinned my arm behind my back in an attempt to get me to reveal her secret. I still did not tell. So imagine the horror I felt when Kate had another secret, but said, "I'm not going to tell you because you'll tell everyone."

I was mortified! How dare her! Although they tortured me, I kept her trust. Now that approximately forty years have gone by, and Kate disappeared never to show up at a high school reunion, I owe it to her to break that trust and tell ALL of you bloggy friends Kate's secret. Ha, ha, ha!

Famous Fish!

Kate liked Fish. If you don't know who Fish is, rent the movie Fargo and watch the airport scene. Our dear classmate grew up to be an actor and he is the fellow working the airport toll booth when the criminal drives through. I was so thankful Fish didn't get shot because that dude in the car was crazy! I understand Fish is in a new movie called Mayor Cupcake. I must rent it. As for who Kate is: I haven't seen her in any movies, but I'll let you know when I do.

If you like my post please push here to vote for my blog on the Picket Fence. Thanks!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sea Shells

This week on Writer's Post, we were given a picture prompt and the word "nascent;" so, here is a story to show how I left the place I love and my boring existence began.

Plus "nascent"

From my wooden prison, I remember the day that demon child snatched me off the soft, white sands of the beach. With a tight squeeze, he almost cracked me. “Mommy! Look!” he said. The Coppertone-scented lady barely nodded. She didn’t even notice my bronze color, perfect arch, or straight ridges gently curving to a rounded end. I yearn for the sun, breeze, and massaging ocean waves. Even those pesky seagulls constantly flipping me over in their relentless hunt for scallops were better than being stuck in a drawer with a taciturn Brown Recluse who's as boring as a hermit crab. Nascent means beginning to show signs of future potential. Now I have the potential to make this kid cool when he shows me off. Big whoop!

If you like my post please push here to vote for my blog on the Picket Fence. Thanks!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

#GBE2 - How We Met

picture prompt - GBE2

Does anyone remember Hands Across America Day? On May 25, 1986, Americans from New York to California held hands in an attempt to form an unbroken human chain across the country. Although the link broke in the desert, my husband and I formed our own bond, and we're still hitched over twenty-five years later.

Here's how we met:

Martin, an Orthodox Jew started a photo dating service and threw extravagant parties complete with farm animals in hotel ballrooms and his wife hanging from a cooking skewer--anything for a laugh.

Singles submitted photographs then chose dates from his dining room table. On my first visit to Martin's home, a cute guy sat across from me, so I boldly slid my picture in front of him.

Shortly after that, Martin spoke to this young man then asked me in private if I wanted to go out with him. When I gave a strong, "Yes," he opened the door and immediately embarrassed me by sharing my answer. But that's okay, Handsome called, we went out, and here we are old but still together.

If you like my post please push here to vote for my blog on the Picket Fence. Thanks!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - HOT

Dang it's hot!
Outside for 35 minutes on Monday, and I dripped from head to toe; so, I skipped running practice and went to the movies with my daughter. The popcorn was yummy!

If you like my post please push here to vote for my blog on the Picket Fence. Thanks!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Seven Wonders

Week #8—What are your 7 Wonders?

This week, the Writer's Post group has asked me to blog about "My Seven Wonders of the World." Long ago I wrote posts on the The Eighth Wonder of My World and Nudity and the Ninth Wonder of My World, since the seven wonders were already known. Please check these out if you get a chance.

Keeping with the assignment, here are my wonders from the serious to the silly.

Far from home. :(
1.) Where has time gone?
 My summer vacation is over, my youngest child leaves for college on Saturday, and I'll be fifty in December. Holy crap! Seems like yesterday I was riding my bike and getting in trouble for talking too much in school.

2.) Why do people allow themselves to be fooled by idiot politicians?
I remember a story from the Onion years back where they interviewed indigent people waiting in line to cast votes. The quote went something like this:

I ain't got no health care nor dental insurance, but it's gonna be alright because we have a God fearing man as president.

Our Lovable Rescue Rat
3.) How can some people not like dogs?
No one in the world gives me the unconditional love of my furry friends. Nor do people try to lick my face, Thank God.

4.) Why do people make fun of nerds?
As I've told my daughters, if you want a good life, marry a nerd. They are smart, kind, and will never let you down. I have a special love for the nerdy little kids in my gifted program, but believe it or not, true nerds are rare.

 In the spirit of Emma Lazarus, 
here is my adaptation of her poem:

"Give me your nerdy, your social inept,
Your huddled dorks yearning to excel,
The social refuse from cool kids.
Send these, the smart, tempest-tost gamers to me,
I lift my arms beside the classroom door!"

Although I posted the link below not long ago, it's a fave so here it goes again for those who missed it the first time.

5.) What's with the irises in my yard?
Last year they didn't bloom at all, while the year before they were splendid. Maybe they're tied to my mood or God-forbid the economy . . . which means I might not see them for thirty years--which bites because I'll be dead by then.

6.) Why do my feet dry out?
I'm forever saturating my piggies with lotions and lubricants, but danggummit, them scales keep comin'.

7.) Why do some people (not to mention names - Mitchell Lansky) put toilet paper rolls in backwards? The paper should come from the top! Enough said.

If you like my post please push here to vote for my blog on the Picket Fence. Thanks!

Friday, August 5, 2011


Keys to Learning
This week I've been attending Teacher Inservice inorder to welcome kids back to a new school year on Monday. Part of our training involved Quantum Learning's discussion of Integrity. By definition, integrity means beliefs matching actions.

Align your actions with your values.
Live what you value.
If you value honesty, be truthful.
If you value keeping your word, follow through.
If you value being fair, do what you expect others to do.
Your identity is who you are. Your integrity is an expression of who you are.

I agree on a simple level, but life is not simple. What if one holds faulty beliefs? If one's actions match faulty beliefs does one still have integrity? Or, what if one's beliefs differ from society's? Does one place oneself in danger for actions to match beliefs? In other words, what does integrity really mean?

integrity |inˈtegritē|
1 the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness  

I'll buy this, but folks disagree on what constitutes strong morals. For example, without taking sides I'll throw out words for thought:

hunting for sport
religious freedom
white supremacy

I know where I stand, but do I have a right to judge your integrity if we disagree? It depends on the issue and circumstance. In a school, it's easy. We want our children to make good choices that will not harm other people or property. Hopefully, each and everyone of my students know right from wrong, but I can't help thinking about a haunting novel I recently read.
Helmuth Hubener, age 16

"The Boy Who Dared," by Susan Cambell Bartoletti tells the true story of a teenager whose belief system clashed with the Nazis, and he took action to do something about it. During WWII, Helmuth Hubener broke the law by listening to banned BBC broadcasts and secretly distributing pamphlets that alerted German citizens of Hitler's hidden actions. As a result, the Gestapo arrested the boy and he was later tried for treason and put to death at age 17.

Although Hubener's beliefs clashed with those of his countrymen, I imagine we'd all see him as having high integrity. At the same time, if one would ask a Nazi if he has integrity after murdering Jews, most if not all would say, "Yes." They didn't see Jews as people; therefore, they had no guilt in killing innocents. Remember Quantum Learning: actions following beliefs equals integrity.

Although I'd like to think most people follow positive beliefs through their actions, few would risk their lives to do what's right in a corrupt environment. Would you?

Thank you Helmuth Hubener. I believe there is a special place in heaven for rare jewels like you.

If you like my post please push here to vote for my blog on the Picket Fence. Thanks!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The last thing he remembered was...

Here's my response to Courtney Miller-Callihan's prompt over at Agent Courtney. The winner receives a query critique and who knows, maybe representation, so why not?

Clara Barton

The last thing he remembered was...

Captain Amos Card's teeth bore pressure on a wooden stick when a blue-eyed nurse forced a saturated rag into his open abdomen. His pulse hammered his ears as sweat soaked through his brow, back, and the torso that fought pressure and pain strong enough to rip him in two. Damm Confederates! My body is no more together than our blessed country due to their treasonous ways.
Not two-hundred yards away, canons boomed as the smell of death penetrated the Union camp site. Card watched trees rotate in a circular arc then jerk back to their original position only to resume dizzying circles. Gray spots blocked his blurry vision and once again he chomped on the sap sweetened stick.
"You're going to be peachy." The nurse kept her composure better than any he'd encountered from the Mexican War. As an elder soldier, he'd seen many army hospitals decked with sharpened tools and frantic medics tearing into the lost limbs of soldiers. With black braids secured behind her head, this nurse gave him a kindly expression as she replaced his chewed stick with a cup of strong whiskey.
Something unique surrounded this angel of the battlefield and shouted fame. He envisioned her saving multiple live, becoming a powerful suffragist, and even presiding over The American Red Cross. Through these hands, I shalt not die. Not here, nor from the gun of a rat-brained Confederate.

"Miss Barton," a younger doctor addressed Card's nurse, "That soldier's not going to make it. Come, accompany us over yonder." He pointed. "A young private needs a splint."
"No. This man's going to live, and I'll make sure of it. Get Mr. Jones to help you, I'm busy."

"There, there, captain. We'll get you sewed up. Do you have any young soldiers back home?" She cradled his head while trying to distract him from the pain of Labarraque's solution dripping over his exposed torso. His back lunged as his body arched upward and wood chipped off the teeth-riddled stick holding in his bitter shrieks. Thought's of Clara Barton fulfilled his last memories and brought him home.

Once again, I can't give up the chance to ask for a vote on the picket fence. If you like my story please, pretty please, push this button. Thanks!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Monday, August 1, 2011

Novel Film Blogfest

Some movies belong here!

I'm participating in the Novel Film Blogfest over at Scribble and Edit. If you'd like to participate, hop on over there and sign up!

Here is a list of books I've read and seen the movies too. Thanks for hopping here!

Water For Elephants (Liked Both)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid (Both funny)
Harry Potter Series (All books and movies were awesome!)
Lovely Bones (Best book/Worst movie)
Back to the Future (book came after movie, but I read it!)
A Wrinkle in Time (Great Book/Awful movie)
Jumanji (Actually, the movie was better)
Twilight Series (Haven't seen later movies but will--pretty good)
The Lightning Thief (Book was much better than movie)
The Outsiders (Book was much better)
The Indian in the Cupboard (Book was much better)
Holes (I liked the book and the movie)
Divine Secrets of the YaYa Sisterhood (I liked the book and the movie)
The Client (Both were good)
The Firm (The book was great/ I liked the movie because it was filmed   in my home town which made it fun)
Le Petit Prince (Reading in French was tough/ movie was in English)
Hideaway (Book was great/movie awful)
Flipped (I liked the book and the movie)
Animal Farm (Great book/ cartoon movies don't do it for me)
The Secret Life of Bees (Book was much better)
The Hobbit (Great book/ once again a cartoon movie)
The Davinci Code (Book was better)
Kite Runner (Book was better)

I can't wait to see the following movies:
The Help, Hunger Games, My Name is Memory, & Savvy but remember tweets, "Never judge a book by its movie." :)

 If you like my post, please click here to vote for me on the picket fence. Thanks!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

#GBE2 The Birds and The Bees

When given the topic of instinct, I can't help but remember our first and only attempt at mating a dog. Let me clarify this for you knuckle heads, we didn't mate with our dog but rather found him a golden beauty in heat. Her papers read "pure bread," just like our first child.

Never did my husband place his arm around our young golden retriever and explain the birds and the bees, nor did I read him "Where Did I Come From?" by Peter Mayle. We didn't get him a bouquet of roses to give to his girl on their first date, nor did he even shower for the event. Yet Swizzle knew what to do. As soon as the female strutted her goldeness into the yard, he jumped on her with embarrassing thrusts that belonged in a porno flick. Those two rolled and swayed, then our studly dog slip on his bathrobe and lit a cigar.

This made me think back to early man and wonder if they too knew instinctively what to do because the young humans of today seem clueless without instructional videos or sex education at school. What did that cave woman think when the blood first poured out of her and onto a rock? If no one ever discussed mating rituals, would young people today instinctively know what to do? I think not.

Sadly, our dog's fatherhood adventures turned south when the bitch's owners caught her digging in the backyard. Over the course of the pregnancy, she'd miscarried and instinctively knew to bury her lost pups. Having been pregnant three times, I can't imagine losing a baby and digging a hole in the ground. As humans, we've lost this natural animal instinct, but where did it go? Perhaps communication has made it easy to forget what we used to know without being told.

Once again, if you like my post please push this link and vote for my blog on the picket fence.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Power of Words

Many young mothers love to brag about how intelligent their babies are because they can say a word or two. Although my daughters spoke early and often, my first born son was a quiet mover who barely said much his first year of life; however, Daniel rode a bicycle before his third birthday. Of course now that my kids are 23, 21, and 18 years old, no one knows or cares about their early development.

Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein, one of the most brilliant minds ever, continually worried his mother because he didn't talk until he was three or four years old. One evening at the dinner table he said, "The soup's too hot." His mother, being thrilled and relieved to hear her young son speak, asked why he had never spoken before. Young Einstein said, "Up to now everything has been in order."

Although we like to tune into the first words of babies, kid speech is more fun as they bumble through our language not always knowing what their words mean. In a fourth grade classroom, a child was assigned to describe the country of Belgium in twenty-six pages--one page for each letter of the alphabet. If that child knew what urinate meant, she wouldn't have written, "Belgium men urinate in the streets" on her U page.

Kids are not the only ones who sometimes misinterpret language. I remember a father from long ago who used to love to show everyone how smart he was by using "big" words; however, he sounded like an idiot when he called the parent/teacher conference a tryst! Not with you, moron.

Misinterpreting language is not new to our millennium. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt hated the typical small talk and flattery that he received at the Washington parties, so at one event he greeted his guests by cheerily saying, "I murdered my grandmother this morning." Most people smiled, paid the president a compliment, and moved on. Towards the end of the evening, he came upon an active listener who diplomatically said, "I'm sure she had it coming to her."

Since I started with Einstein's first words, let me end with Karl Marx's last words in 1883. His maid asked him if he had any dying words that she could write down for prosperity. He said, "Go on, get out - last words are for fools who haven't said enough."

And now I've said enough. If you like this post, please vote for my blog on the Picket Fence. Thanks!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Book Review: King of Ithaca by Tracy Barrett

King of Ithaka by Tracy Barrett
Ever pick up a book while thinking, I'm not going to like this but I'll give it a girl scout try; then you find yourself totally blown away from its brilliance? I'm talking about a book which might have been a catalog from a tool store as far as my interest in that subject matter was concerned. But OMG, "King of Ithaca" by Tracy Barrett is an absolutely amazing book!

Tracy took a teen, with a name I can't pronounce, and sent him on a perilous journey to find his missing father, none other than Odysseus. She threw in the wit of a stinky, cave-dwelling monster, the camaraderie of good friends, a few mythological twists, multiple near death experiences and voila, a page turner I couldn't put down. Tracy, your book is brilliant! Up there with Percy Jackson's fantastic quests but fresh in that it wasn't overdone in the area of monsters and myth. In fact, the scariest monsters were of the human variety.

I know my students will love "The King of Ithaca"; however, once one kid reads it and starts talking, it's going to become so popular in my classroom that I may have trouble prying it out of their little fingers. I've got to get Tracy to autograph my copy at the Midsouth SCBWI Conference, so do I let the little scholars circulate it or do I hold it at home until after the conference? Oy! Such a wonderful problem.

Don't forget to vote for me on the Picket Fence. Thanks!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Daria

This past weekend I went to Dayton for my great niece's naming. One day I'm at a baby boy's bris, the next you know, I'm at his daughter's naming. Where have the years gone?

My Sister the Grandma

Our family welcomes Daria Ziva who is held by my OLDER sister.

Mandy, Derek, & Daria

Since this is a picture of my niece and nephew with their niece, it must mean life is "grand!"

If you like my post, please vote for me on the Picket Fence. Thanks!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

#GBE2 Summer

This week's challenge is to write about summer or our favorite thing. What's the difference? Being a teacher, nothing's better than ten weeks of blessed summer vacation. I look at it like New Years as I resolve to accomplish tons over the summer months. Believe it or not, I am now entering my last week of vacation so here's a reflection of my goals and accomplishments: pfft!

(1) This summer I had planned to exercise, diet, and shed unwanted weight. Reality: I sat, ate, and gained a pound or two. Blame it on eating out and vacationing, especially since we traveled everywhere by car. I clocked a full week butt sitting in four wheeled vehicles. Sometimes driving, sometimes sleeping, sometimes stuck in traffic--especially in Birmingham. Once I got my act together with a running regiment, I got strep and couldn't swallow. Achaha! That's when I lost weight. At least I can now go back to work no fatter than I was before.

(2) I was going to clean my house. The first step was to vacuum dog hairs. I did. The next day, more dog hairs covered the rug. With three dogs (two of them goldens), vacuuming is as worthwhile as shoveling snow in a snow storm. So the house is still dirty, but what do you expect? I can barely wash my toes, you think I'd be washing windows? Plus there's a mysterious white substance raining into the corner of our porch. Future Wordless Wednesday Topic: Identify the Substance.

(3) Of course I was going to get my novel in shape and send out queries. I've made a little bit of progress on Mrs. Zimmerman's Donuts, sent one Bompsy query to an agent, and nothing in the magazine department. So I can still brag that I have the best book that's never been published. Even a friend of mine told me she couldn't sleep because she was so worried about poor Bompsy. She stayed up reading my manuscript late into the night . . . but the agents and editors don't want to hear that.

So basically summer's over and I've accomplished next to nothing, which means it was a darn good break. Since I told you what I didn't do, you'll have to listen to this video if you want to know what I did do during the last nine weeks.

If you like my blog, please VOTE for me on the Picket Fence 'cause what else have you got to do?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Look What They've Done To My Blog!

I have a new "Most Popular Post." Not because it's my best, most well thought out article, nor the one which I researched the most. It has few comments (two) and didn't have all that many views when first written, but the fiends couldn't leave it alone because of the double X in the title and the "S" word . Anyone who's taken basic biology knows that XY stand for men and two other letters I dare not write stand for women. That's all it's about, plain and simple.

I wrote it for the Z-A in May challenge. What else does one write for the letter X if not a post about females and our special abilities since I'd already written about the rhyme "X Marks the Spot" for the A-Z Challenge? But those corrupt individuals have googled their nasty searches to extreme and repeatedly tap into my little article. I bet they don't even read past the first sentence!

This is a definite sign of today. Ladies, if your man is spending massive amounts of time on the computer, maybe he is one of the perves tapping into my little post. Check his history for "Catch My Words." Now this misinterpreted post has passed the emotional, well-thoughtout article about my mother. I wish I'd never written that May X post. To see what it's called, look at my most popular posts. I dare not write it's name because--

I don't want this post pushed to the number 2 spot.

If you feel inclined, click on the "Mom Taught Me How to Laugh" post to restore dignity back to my most popular list and then click Picket Fence to vote for my blog. Thanks!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - TV Pal

TV Addict

After being up off and on last night, I went to the doctor this morning. I have strep throat. I've spent the day sleeping and watching TV. While two dogs sleep, Honey Bear watches TV with me.

I love Picket Fence Votes!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

#GBE2: Midnight

Cinderella - You Wimp!
This week's blogging group challenge is "Midnight." What is it about this special time being the bewitching hour and all kinds of creepy stuff happening when the clock strikes twelve? For example, take Cinderella.

Her Fairy Godmother said, "Be home by midnight or your carriage will turn into a pumpkin and you'll be back to wearing rags." Talk about tough love! Really, lady? First off, why a pumpkin? That frail chick couldn't even carry her round ride home without pulling out her wimpy spine. If she tried to roll it, the thing would probably hit a rock and get her arrested for smashing gourds in the street. At least turn it into a cell phone so she could call for a ride. But oh wait, she's a prisoner of her evil step mother and has no one to call. Such a pathetic role model for our young girls.

Elizabeth - My heroine!
Cinderella wears rags, but I'm not one to judge folks by their clothing. Look at Elizabeth the Paper Bag Princess. The dragon came to town, burned her duds, and kidnapped her stuck-up Prince Ronald (no relation to the clown), so she took off to save him with only a paper bag to grant her modesty.

Now, think about this. Would you go to a fire breathing dragon with just a paper bag on? Let's hope he's not a horny devil. Anyway, this tough chick outsmarted the dragon and rescued the prince who wanted her to comb her hair and shower. She didn't need a Fairy Godmother to tell her to dump the creep. She told him to take a hike all by her little self.

 But I digress : Midnight

I remember this great song by Eric Clapton, "After Midnight." He had that one right. In those days the party didn't even get started until after midnight. Now if only I could stay up that late. . . but that's another post. Thanks, Beth! This one was fun.

If you like my blog, please vote for me on the Picket Fence because I'm kinda in a rut right now. My fence post spot is 69 and if you look to the left, you'll see the title of my most popular post. Not good for a respectable blog like this one! Thanks. :)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Kennedy Space Center

Having a "blast" in Orlando! We're here for our daughter's college orientation. We arrived a few days early so we could play tourist. I even rode on a shuttle blast off simulation ride. For someone who hates motion and likes to keep her feet on the ground, this was big!

Here are some vacation pics.

Mitchell and Me Being Spacey.

Erica and Mitchell having a Blast

As Erica sets out for the new world of college, she is a true "Explorer."

"To infinity and beyond!" 
~Buzz Lightyear, Space Ranger

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Monday, July 11, 2011

#GBE2: The Bakery

It's a ?

A good product takes time to develop. First, one must choose the right ingredients. Two summers ago, we witnessed the union of my nephew Brent to his beautiful wife Jill. Next, they ordered the product from a stork, and we've had a nine month wait. Although the due date was July 6th, the little bakery bundle has chosen to go for extended time in the oven. Jill started contractions on Wednesday night; but here it is Monday, and the stork has not delivered. I'm a good aunt, but I'd like to be a great one, so here are my suggestions to get the oven timer to ding:

  •  Rain dances have been common in tribes. How about a baby dance. The expecting mom needs to perform deep knee bends while saying goo.
  • Sometimes we roll dough to get the air out. How about rolling bellies to get the kid out?
  • Ever see chefs throw pizza dough in the air? Have the perspective daddy throw mama in the air too.

If all else fails, there is always prayer! I'll keep you posted as to when our bakery product pops out of the oven.

If you like this post, push the fence button or to vote for my blog. Thanks!


It's a Girl!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Dating Nerds

Revenge of the Nerds
Do you remember the poster, are you a nerd? Arrows pointed to different spots of the nerd photograph making sure to point out the pocket protector, tape on glasses, high-water pants, etc., etc. Way back when, I went out with this guy. It was a blind date, but unfortunately I wasn't blind. The nerd kept trying to put his awkward little arm around my shoulders and a car load of "cool" guys even drove by pointing and laughing.

The clincher at the end of the evening was the dead fly in his ear. No, I didn't make this up. After we got our food (he ordered peaches and cottage cheese), I noticed the little insect that lay on its wings with bent legs folded up into his greasy ear canal. I lost my appetite. 

Who knows? He may be the CEO of some multi-million dollar corporation right now, but it's not worth it. Gross! Here's a link to one of my favorite nerd videos staring Dimitri Martin. It's great so check it out!

Comedy Central - Hoodwinkers

If you like this post, push the fence button or to vote for my blog. Thanks!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Silent pictures

Who said Wordless Wednesday has to be still pictures? Enjoy my talented daughter's first movie.


... and to think, Erica can't decide what to major in.

If you like my blog, please click on the White Picket Fence or push Picket Fence to vote for my blog. Thanks!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

#GBE2 Challenge: Wretched Life

Great Rental Place
We have a most unique challenge with the GBE 2 group, and as a writer, I'm certainly up for this one. Write a 100 word fiction story. I'm all on it, with the exception that I've cheated a little by taking a story I wrote some time ago and cutting it down, but what do you want? I'm vacationing in Charleston. Today, I even tried a paddle boat for the first and last time. After falling into the Charleston Harbor, I decided to swap it for a kayak. Then I went up Shem's Creek where two playful dolphins jumped in front of my boat.

Here is a story that has nothing to do with paddle boating, kayaking, or Charleston, but I hope you like it anyway. It can't be over 100 words, including the title. Really, Beth? "You're killing me Smalls."

Ballymote Castle

Wretched Life
 Joyce Paull Lansky

     Jeremy followed the tour under a familiar tapestry suspended in the banquet hall. He’d been fascinated by fourteenth century Ireland. Now, he was there!

     Staring at a cauldron, he felt certain he'd eaten scraps of honey-covered mutton from the Master’s platter. Worse, he'd slept nude on hay-covered dung while the Lord and Lady enjoyed a cozy pallet; but, being naked was better than wearing insect-infested tunics.

    After climbing slyly-constructed, irregular steps that circled a stone column, he ducked under the wall's arrow slit. Jeremy cringed from the memory of the arrow that had ended his wretched past life.

If you like my blog, please click on the White Picket Fence or push Picket Fence Vote to vote for my blog. Thanks!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday


It's been over a month since I've participated in Six Sentence Sunday, but I'm glad to be back with an excerpt from my Work in Progress (WIP), Mrs. Zimmerman's Donuts. Knob has just met his friend Slater's mom for the first time, and he's not used to adults playing tricks.

Slater’s mom pulled a chisel-shaped knife out of an antique cabinet's top drawer and leaned her head back. With the precision of a surgeon, she gently slid the blade downward until it disappeared into her throat. Next she thrust it out with one gigantic swing. Blood covered the blade while red liquid filled her mouth. Her eyes rounded as her lips curved into a smug smile. She winked at me! 

If you like my blog, please click on the White Picket Fence or push Picket Fence Vote to vote for my blog. Thanks!